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HomePoliticsNews is what the News Channels rarely broadcast?

News is what the News Channels rarely broadcast?

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By Col (Retd) Shiv Om Rana

I have been thinking for some time about the growing number of ridiculous, inane, and otherwise nonsensical absurdities that fill the daily TV news channels and print or electronic media.

 Wondering if it was just me….

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 I think we started to simply accept them without much thought and the news media grew on to them.

 The absurdity of this uncontrolled media is showing in the nation’s psyche. And if I may say so, the phenomenon is worldwide. The space for “Centre – thinking” seems to be shrinking fast in all countries and not only in India. Trumpism started it openly, BREXIT followed it and now it has started to open and spread in many parts of the globe – Germany, France, Scandinavian countries, Spain and so on.

 The absurdity when becomes disrupter is when it really becomes a point of concern. Disrupters have found many ways to convince and attract people in all walks of life. I have been the victim of this disruption in thinking for many months, maybe more than a year now. And therefore I have avoided writing anything lest my feelings show up in my words.

 But today I found the courage to overcome that fear and trying to find the root cause of the same. And get back to the rational centric stream of the nation.

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 I feel the root cause of the absurdities is these news providers – may be TV news channels and print or electronic media. Everyone seems to be taking sides instead of reporting the news. The media reporters and anchors have been taking sides. Or maybe they have to report as they do to satisfy the owners of the media houses. Editors of good old days with the straight spine seem to be an extinct mishpocha today.

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