Write for Us
Anyone passionate about writing can get their articles published on Taazakhabar News.
Why should you write for us?
You can use Taazakhabar News as a platform to express your views on a range of topics and say things that no one else is talking about.
Original and Unique Content
Every article you submit as news or opinion should be original and non-plagiarized. Only articles with supporting facts and documents will be entertained. Authors should let us know upfront if there is any conflict of interest, or motive behind the article.
We retain the right to edit or reject the article as per our editorials policies. We don’t show what’s being published to the writers – before it is uploaded.
The editorial team’s decision is final about the headline, photo or the artwork to go with the piece.
The Process: How to get your article published?
You just need to email your exclusive and authentic article to [email protected] with a suggested headline, excerpt, recent photograph and brief introduction about the author.
We generally publish articles within 400 to 1200 words, but we are open to even longer submissions as long as they are original and exclusive. We will not consider articles that have already been published, in any other print or online publication.
Only factually correct and properly proofread articles in MS Word Document format will be accepted.
We cannot reply personally to all those who submit their articles. If you do not hear from us within ten business days, please assume that we will not be able to use your article. If so, feel free to offer it elsewhere.