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Iran, the ‘Axis of Evil’, needs to be brought down to its knees

Israel can no longer be secure fighting just Iran’s proxies but rather must target Iran itself. Israel must now strike directly within Iran and hit them hard. The world simply cannot afford nuclear weapons in the hands of these religious fanatics. If we do not bring down Iran to its knees today for whatever reason, we will be condemned to regret it forever.

China-Philippines maritime conflict: a threat to Indo-Pacific security – 1

Philippines holds a special position in Southeast Asia. Its unique location between the Pacific Ocean and South China Sea provides an unmatched advantage in terms of geography.

China-Philippines maritime conflict: a threat to Indo-Pacific security – 2

Philippines foreign policy remains intricately woven with its historical experiences, informing its position amidst contemporary regional power dynamics.

China-Philippines maritime conflict: a threat to Indo-Pacific security – 3

The European Union (EU) has recently shifted its attention towards the Indo-Pacific, outlining a strategic vision that aims to strengthen cooperation with regional players.

Iran, Israel, and military gambling

The ongoing political ‘drama’ between Iran and Israel is keeping the world on the tenterhooks. No country wants it to escalate to a full-blown war.

7 easy steps to safeguard your digital identity

Safeguarding your digital autonomy also entails being cautious about the information you disclose on social media and other online platforms. It is important to avoid sharing too many personal details that cybercriminals could exploit.

Top 12 countries with the largest land borders

Russia has over 20,017 km of land border with the maximum 16 neighbors while China shares 22,147 km of land with 14 countries

Algorithm helps robots avoid obstacles in their path

If you’ve ever ordered a product from Amazon, chances are that a robot selected your purchase from a shelf, read the barcode and delivered it to the counter for packaging. Hopefully, it didn’t collide with a human worker on its journey or lost its way.

The tallest buildings ever demolished in the world

The demolition of Supertech's Twin Towers in Noida said to be taller than Qutub Minar using 3,700 kg of explosives was nothing less than an engineering marvel.

India’s inclusion in UN Security Council – no if’s or but’s

India has been a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council 8 times. India’s seat at the UN Security Council is confirmed. The question is not if but when

Celebrating the first human journey in space

Fifty-four years ago on April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut, 27-year-old Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, went into space in the spaceship called “Vostok 1″ and made one complete orbital flight around the Earth.Yuri Gagarin’s space odyssey lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes, and overnight he became a world hero.

Nuclear weapons: Putin has a point

In an interview Putin boldly declared, “Weapons exist in order to use them.” Russia’s nuclear threats are condemned as sabre-rattling
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