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How many species of rats are there in the world?

There are about 300 species of rats in the world including brown rats, pack rats, Norway rats, and wood rats. Each of these rats has a unique personality.

Scientists throw light on sex determination among vertebrates

A team of eminent scientists from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and universities in Japan have collaborated to make a significant effort to unravel the mysterious interplay between nature and the living world to sustain life on this planet.

Don’t Mess with Nature –or else??

Like a caring mother nature gives us the food that nourishes and sustains our bodies as also water that cleanses and gives us life. It also provides fresh air to supply us with oxygen, which is vital to keep bodily functions going.

SaveNishabd – India’s first crowdfunding platform for stray dogs

Almost 80% of stray puppies die within a week or month due to hunger, cold, and road accidents. The remaining 20% hardly cross the age of two years due to lack of nutrition and ailments.

The first-ever estimate of the endangered Asiatic wild dog

A new study reveals India’s first ever population estimates of the endangered dhole (or Asiatic wild dog) in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala

Leopard in the bag – the lucrative trade of leopard skin and body parts

Illegitimate trading in wildlife is an illegal offence under the wildlife protection act and if convicted it can lead to imprisoned for up to 10 years. Illegitimate trading in wildlife is an illegal offence under the wildlife protection act and if convicted it can lead to imprisoned for up to 10 years. Possessing a wildlife item; even as a part of ancestral /family inheritance without a license is a crime.

Flying Elephants – to be screened at the Wildscreen Film Festival 2020

“Flying Elephants’ is a short film, that narrates the story through the eyes of a mother elephant. The six minutes long film took about two years to make.

Conserving the endangered the Asiatic wild dog

A new study identifies priority actions and locations for conserving populations of the endangered Asiatic wild dog or dhole in India.

Study reveals flying secrets of soaring birds

The Andean condor - the world's heaviest soaring bird which can weigh in at up to 15 kg - actually flaps its wings for one per cent of its flight time.

Giraffe: Do you know?

The tongue of Giraffe is 21 inch long and can be turned around to clean the ears

Andaman-Nicobar Islands – Hong Kong of India?

In 1997 Britain asked India to develop Andaman-Nicobar as a free trade zone. But India kept delaying till it was too late and Hong Kong became a part of China

Why are donkeys common in Pakistan, rare in India?

There are a large number of donkeys in Pakistan. The donkey hides exported to China is used as an ingredient in medicines while the meat is served back to the people in Chinese street foods, burgers and other items in place of beef
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