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The Turbonators

The turban is an inseparable part of the Sikh identity. The Sikh Rehat Maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) says that all Sikhs must wear a Turban. It is an ideal headgear for all seasons. In the winter, it keeps the head and ears warm while protecting the wearer from harsh sun ray and dust in summer.

The shrine of Báb

Bab, the messenger of God and a forerunner to Baha’u’llah, the founder of the Bahá’í Faith was executed in Tabriz. His remains were transferred from place to place due to fear of the enemy for sixty years and ceremoniously deposited in a sacred casket in the shrine on Mt. Carmel on the day of Nawruz.

50 deadly weapons used in the Mahabharata war # 1

In just 18 days, 1660 million warriors were killed in the Mahabharata war. Many of the divine weapons used were far more advanced than the weapons in use today.

Can yoga help produce babies without sex & sperm?

Researchers say it may be possible for women to have babies using artificial sperm to trick a female egg (ovum) into forming an embryo

Tallest Shiva statues in the world

Lord Shiva – also known as Mahadeva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is one of the most powerful and most worshipped Gods in the Hindu trinity.

50 deadly weapons used in the Mahabharata war # 2

Some of the powerful weapons used in Mahabharat could crush the enemy. For Instance, Barbarik could single-handedly end the war in less than one minute.

Hindu population to grow to 1.4 billion by 2050: Study

The share of Christians in India's total population during the period is projected by PRC to decrease by 0.3 percent, from 2.5 percent in 2010 to 2.2 percent in 2050. The number of Christians is likely to increase by 5.61 million, from 31.13 million in 2010 to 36.74 million in 2050.

Hindus made the best steel and swords in the world

The steel produced by the Hindus was famous throughout the world even 2,350 years ago in recorded history! Swords made of Indian steel were actually the stuff of legends.

Why doesn’t the Iron Pillar at Delhi rust despite heat, rain, or dust?  

The Iron Pillar of Delhi hasen't rusted or corroded despite being continuously exposed to heat, rain, humidity, air, and dust for nearly 1,600 years

Top 10 qualities why Krishna is relevant today – 1

Why is Lord Krishna the naughtiest characters in Indian mythology, one of the most happening Gods in Hindu religion? Why, given a chance every mother in India would like to be Devki or Yashoda and nurse a child like Krishna? What makes him relevant even today?

Malicious propaganda against Allahabad HC judgment on Madarsas

In a landmark judgment on March 22, 2024, a Division Bench of the Allahabad High Court struck down the UP Madarsa Education Act, 2004

Why did Lord Ganesha adopt the rat as his vehicle?

Lord Ganesha choose the rat as his vehicle after a battle with Gajamukha who obtained invincible powers from Lord Shiva on the advice of Guru Shukraachaarya
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