In Malda, Murshidabad , Uttar Dinajpur , Dakshin Dinajpur, and 24 Pargana, districts of West Bengal the rise of Muslim population is 14%. All these districts are border towns of West Bengal. In all these five districts Muslim population is ranging between 50-70 %. This increase has taken place in last 5 years.
All this is fallout of Mamta Banerjee’s tacit game plan to open all doors for Muslims from Bangladesh and Rohingyas from Mayanmar to settle down in West Bengal and vote for her.
Today there are 63 constituencies in West Bengal where Muslim voters range from 50-70%. In these 63 constituencies the growth is 46% more than the remaining 229 constituencies. This is ridiculous.
All this is a clear indication how Mamta Banerjee is increasing her vote bank by allowing all sorts of rif-rafs to enter India and increase her vote bank.
Under normal circumstances new born kids take 18 yrs to have an impact on the vote bank whereas here we find straight away voters are increasing? How?
Mamta Banerjee is ensuring that it is Rohingyas who should settle down in these areas and vote for her. She is not bothered what will happen to future generation.
Enough is enough. The Modi government should overthrow West Bengal government and impose President rule which should have been imposed long time back. All babus starting from IAS, IPS must be screened. Guilty must be punished. Entire voter list must be scrutinised. Illegal Rohingayas must be thrown out.
Mamta Banerjee must be arrested and tried with treason charges.