The young generation in India in post-independence era have no deeper understanding of socio-economic and cultural attitudes as well as the psyche of Indians as a tribe. Almost all tribes differ from each other and are poles apart. The education system and family traditions in homes also did not encourage assimilation of this understanding. Rajiv Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi had no guru as Maulana Azad was for politicians like Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi was for Indira Gandhi. An astute Politician DP Mishra had handled the battlefield for Indira Gandhi in 1969. He always sought answers to why and what happened. Every event has a logic of its own. A good politician will always anticipate logic flowing from the case so that he can control it.
All young politicians are brought in with expectations of carry forward the family jagirs,– their constituency. Sonia Gandhi was born only because she was related to the Gandhi family and not because she had political substance in her. She wants her son to take over reins of power without acquiring understanding what India needs. In fact today, the Congress party has no politicians who could have stemmed the collapse. Without maintaining self-respect, no one can inspire people to follow. Jyotiraditya was brought in to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his politicians father and Omar Abdulla came to fill the vacancy posed by the indifferent health of his father.
One incident I can quote. Murli Deora was travelling in a car with his American friend on a visit to Mumbai. Deora told his friend in the hearing of his security personnel; I brought in politics my third son because he was not performing in my business as my two elder sons did. Now you can understand how inheritors in the political family are decided. Politician Mulayam brought in his son Akhilesh who was doing excellent work in Australia after his studies in Business Management because Mulayam was getting old and he wanted the power to remain in the family. This will explain that most fathers and mothers want to retain the business of politics in their family and not run in professional manners. Karunanidhi promoted his two sons and daughter (All three products of different wives.) Biju Patnaik has his politicians son ruling Odisha. Lalu wants his sons or daughter to have his legacy and so also, Ram Bilas Paswan is promoting his spolitician on.
Except BJP, every party, regional set-ups are merely a sign board. The party, its constitution and its base are one individual only. Followers are crumb seekers. The Congress’s is mostly made up of visiting card users. The moment they get a post at the pleasure of the leader, they rush to the printing press to get their new visiting cards that can be used to peddle their political weight that comes from the post.
Not a single young leader in the Congress given positions and importance has been able to deliver a unique, brilliant idea in the last 15 years in power or on the opposition. Without a competitive-establishment position, no leadership can be built. People gravitate only to the double pole. Gravitation around the central pole does not leave much space for new to get accommodated. The party run as a family estate in different areas does not have space for the elevation of good workers. Hence, mediocrity hangs around. Anyone that remains surrounded by mediocrity cannot be a good commander with a vision. Only successful is Navin Patnaik without knowing local language of Odisha because he keeps his gates open for everyone to give them a hearing. Others have sentries guarding their closed gates for security reasons. In other words, they have no basic concept of politics the open communication lines for inflow of new ideas and outflow of evolved ideas. People flock around ideas and not empty promises. Expectations cause problems when they are not realized.
Rahul Gandhi visited Bastar in Chhattisgarh before the last assembly election and after also. Same Tribal unmarried girl escorted him during both the visits. In the presence of Champa, Rahul Gandhi made several promises on the first visit. When he came on the second visit, she told Rahul Gandhi in the last visit you made promises, but no one came for follow-up actions on any count. So people voted for BJP. Rahul Gandhi did not learn from experience that crowds of young party workers who move with him on his visits were merely favour seekers and had no dedication to the party.
I am giving a detailed account to show you how young politicians have no understanding of the political apparatus, how to build it and use it to inspire people. They had no courage to break away from traditions. They had no idea of transformation of Indian individuals with drastic changes their outlooks, aspirations, needs and demands. Advisers told Sonia Gandhi and her son that people can be pleased with a supply of cheap food. People looked for a good education for their children for their real empowerment. The Congress agenda had no mention of education. The expansion of education, the realization of its importance and exposure to media have brought about the changes and also aroused urges for a share in power.
Their concepts of development are unrelated to needs of their constituencies. In ten assembly seats in two family preserves for nearly forty years Raebareli and Amethi–the Gandhis, could get only two assembly seats in the last assembly election. In an analysis of the results session to months after the election, two boys pointed out to Rahul Gandhi the fallacy of his priorities. “Sir, you brought Fashion design and Information Technology Institutes to Amethi as a development project. But who can afford to send their children to them with high fees and criterion for admissions? They wanted more primary and secondary schools with the quality education. You brought none in five years. Why should people vote for us?”
Politicians are not expected to attend to small matters in national and international but without that they have no assured vote banks. But it is not a question of small or big issues, but it is a matter of opening doors of political, economic and social institutions for deprived to seek the contribution of their energies and capabilities for the nation. Young politicians have no idea of that.