Punjab National Bank (PNB) announced the appointment of Kalyan Kumar as Executive Director. The former Chief General Manager of Union Bank of India has over 26 years of experience in banking services.
Kalyan Kumar is appointed on the Board of the Bank under the Banking Companies Act, 1970 for a period of three years with effect from the date of assumption of office, or until further orders, whichever is earlier.
Kalyan Kumar, a Post-graduate in science from Rajendra Prasad Agriculture University, Pusa, is also a Certified Associate member of the Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) and holds various certifications in Trade Finance, IT Security and KYC – AML from the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF).
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Kumar started his journey in Union Bank of India as a Rural Development officer in the year 1995 and has served the bank in various capacities as Branch Head of VLBs, as faculty at Staff Training Centres, Staff College Principal, a stint in Vigilance and Business Process Transformation and Amalgamation Management at Corporate Office and lastly headed as CGM HR of Union Bank of India.
His experience and contribution are spread across multiple domains of Branch Banking, Credit and MSME, Vigilance, Business Process Re-Engineering and Analytics, Amalgamation Management and Human Resource Management including Learning and Development and Talent Management, the statement said.
The successful amalgamation of Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank into Union Bank of India was steered under his supervision and control.