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Top 20 stock exchanges in the world

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Top 20 stock exchanges in the world

A stock exchange is a marketplace where traders buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies. Stock exchanges provides a platform for companies to raise capital by issuing stocks and for investors to buy ownership stakes in those companies. There are numerous stock exchanges around the world, each contributing to the global financial economy in its unique way. Here are some of the top stock exchanges in the world, ranked by market capitalization (total value of all securities listed):

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

The NYSE also called The Big Board, is the largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization. Located in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan in New York City, the NYSE lists many of the largest corporations in the world. Almost 58% of American adults have invested in the NYSE in the form of stocks, mutual funds, or retirement accounts. The NYSE’s opening and closing bells mark the beginning and the end of each trading day. The main bell, which is rung at the beginning and end of the trading day, is controlled by a green button. The second button, coloured orange, activates a single-stroke bell that is used to signal a moment of silence. A third, red button controls a backup bell which is used in case the main bell fails to ring.

National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations – NASDAQ

The Nasdaq Stock Exchange (commonly known as NASDAQ – National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations), also based in New York City ranks second among the stock exchanges in the world after the NYSE in terms of market capitalization. NASDAQ is known for only listing stocks of well-known technology giants such as Apple, Amazon, Google (Alphabet), Microsoft, and Facebook (Meta).  To be listed on NASDAQ a company has to meet four basic requirements, which are designed to ensure that companies listed on the exchange are financially sound and meet certain governance standards. Only those companies who meet the listing requirements can apply to be listed on the NASDAQ. To comply with the stringent application process a company may have to submit financial statements, business plans, and other documentation. In addition to this, companies also have to pay an entry fee, which can range from $50,000 to $270,000. NASDAQ is a key player in the global financial markets and is often seen as an indicator of the performance of the technology sector and the broader stock market in the United States.

European New Exchange TechnologyEuronext

A pan-European stock exchange that operates in several European countries, including France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Ireland. The 24 year old Euronext is today a preferred exchange for many investors and companies in Europe. Euronext known for its transparent and efficient market operations operates multiple stock exchanges, including the Euronext Amsterdam, Euronext Brussels, Euronext Lisbon, and Euronext Paris exchanges. Euronext is also known for its focus on innovation and technology in trading and lists companies from various sectors such as finance, technology, consumer goods, and healthcare. Its range of trading services include equities, derivatives, commodities, and indices.

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Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)

The 146 years old Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) plays a crucial role in the Japanese economy as well as the global financial markets as the largest stock exchange in Japan. The TSE lists some of Japan’s largest and most well-known companies such as Toyota, Sony, and Mitsubishi from various sectors, including technology, automotive, finance, and manufacturing. The TSE is known for its advanced trading technology and efficient market operations. It is a major hub for trading in Asian equities and is closely watched by investors around the world for insights into the Japanese economy and global market trends.

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Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)

The Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) located in the city of Shanghai is one of the largest stock exchanges in Asia. Established in 1990, the SSE is one of the three independent stock exchanges in mainland China, apart from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Beijing Stock Exchange. Unlike the NYSE, which has a wider range of listings including foreign companies, the SSE primarily focuses on domestic Chinese companies and lists many of China’s largest companies in finance, real estate, technology, and manufacturing sector. The SSE is an important hub for trading in Chinese equities and is closely watched by investors around the world for insights into the Chinese economy and market trends. Its large size and liquidity attracts both domestic and international investors looking to participate in China’s growing economy. No wonder the performance of the SSE is often seen as an indicator of the health of the Chinese economy.

Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) located in Hong Kong is one of the world’s major stock exchanges that facilitates trading of a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and derivatives. The HKEX is the fastest growing stock exchange in Asia, known for its international listings and strong trading volumes. As a major global financial hub, the HKEX provides a platform for companies to raise capital from investors around the world and offers a gateway for international investors to access opportunities in Asia and for Asian companies to expand globally. HKEX was the 10th largest stock exchange in terms of IPO proceeds in the first quarter of 2024.

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London Stock Exchange (LSE)

The London Stock Exchange (LSE) is one of the oldest and largest stock exchanges in the world, attracting investors and companies from around the world. The LSE facilitates the trading of a wide range of financial instruments, including equities, bonds, derivatives, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), providing investors with diverse investment opportunities. LSE boasts the title of the most valuable stock exchange in Europe, with a market capitalization exceeding $3.18 trillion as of August 2023. The LSE serves as a platform for companies to raise capital, allowing them to grow and expand their businesses. Investors worldwide can participate in the U.K. economy by trading securities listed on the LSE. The LSE is a pillar of the U.K. financial system. LSE’s market performance is a key indicator of the U.K. economy’s health.

Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE)

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) located in the Guangdong Province of China, is one of the two main stock exchanges in mainland China, besides the Shanghai Stock Exchange. It was created to promote the development of China’s capital markets and to facilitate the financing of Chinese companies. The SZSE is one of the largest stock exchanges in Asia by market capitalization, with a significant number of listed companies covering various industries. Companies seeking to list on the SZSE must meet strict requirements regarding profitability, financial condition, corporate governance, and other criteria set by the exchange. The SZSE’s trading hours are divided into two sessions: a morning session and an afternoon session, with a break in between. The SZSE is connected to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange through the Stock Connect program, which allows investors to trade certain stocks listed on the SZSE and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX)

The TSX is the largest stock exchange in Canada by market capitalization and trading volume. It is home to many of Canada’s largest and most well-known companies in various sectors such as finance, energy, mining, technology, and healthcare. To be listed on the TSX must companies have to meet severe regulatory requirements related to financial performance, corporate governance, and disclosure to ensure that the listed companies are above board and provide investors with sufficient information. On the whole the TSX provides a platform for Canadian companies to raise capital for growth and expansion while allowing international companies to explore favourable opportunities in the Canadian market.  

Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

The 149 year old Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) located at Dalal Street in Mumbai, is the oldest in Asia and the tenth oldest stock exchange globally. The BSE is also one of the largest stock exchanges in India in terms of market capitalization and trading volume. It is home to thousands of companies across various sectors. The BSE uses an electronic trading system called BOLT (BSE OnLine Trading) for trading in equities, derivatives, and other financial instruments. The BSE is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which oversees the functioning of the exchange and ensures compliance with securities laws and regulations.

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National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)

The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) was the first exchange in India to implement a fully electronic trading system.  It was established in 1992 to provide modern, screen-based trading system to investors. The NSE is today the largest stock exchange in India by trading volume and market capitalization and home to thousands of listed companies across various sectors. The NSE stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the BSE as a dominant force in the Indian financial landscape and uses an electronic trading platform called the National Exchange for Automated Trading (NEAT) for trading in equities, derivatives, and other financial instruments. The NSE has been at the forefront of technology and innovation in trading systems and services, and plays a crucial role in the Indian economy by providing a platform for companies to raise capital and for investors to invest in a wide range of securities. It also contributes to the overall development of the Indian capital markets.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB)

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB), located in Frankfurt, Germany is the heart of the German financial system. Founded in 1585, FWB is the third oldest stock exchange in the world, as well as the largest of the seven stock exchanges in Germany. Home to many of Germany’s largest and most well-known companies, it accounts for roughly 90% of the country’s turnover and holds a distinguished position within the European financial landscape. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange has two trading sessions each day, a morning session, and an afternoon session, with a break in between. The FWB is regulated by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and is subject to European Union regulations regarding financial markets. The performance of the FWB has a significant impact on the German economy, influencing investor confidence, capital flows, and the overall health of the financial sector.

Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is the largest exchange in Asia by market capitalization for interest rate derivatives and the heart of Australian equity markets. The ASX is one of the largest stock exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region and a crucial hub for investment in the region. The ASX is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), which oversees the functioning of the exchange and ensures compliance with securities laws and regulations. The performance of the ASX has a significant impact on the Australian economy, influencing investor confidence, capital flows, and the overall health of the financial sector. The ASX is integrated with global markets, with many international investors and companies choosing to list and trade on the exchange. In essence, the ASX acts as a magnet for global investment, and plays a vital role in connecting Australian businesses with domestic and international investors.

BM&F Bovespa (B3)

BM&F Bovespa, now known as B3, is the main stock exchange in Brazil. It resulted from the merger of three entities: São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa)- an exchange handling trading of equities and equity derivatives; Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange (BM&F) – an exchange focused on trading, clearing, and settling financial and commodities derivatives and Cetip – a central depository for securities and facilitated registration, clearing, and settlement of fixed-income securities and OTC derivatives. Today, B3 offers trading platforms for equities, equity derivatives, financial derivatives, and commodities derivatives and is one of the world’s largest financial market infrastructure companies, providing trading services in both Exchange and OTC environment.

Korea Exchange (KRX)

The Korea Exchange (KRX) is the sole securities exchange operator in South Korea. It was created through the integration of Korea Stock Exchange, Korea Futures Exchange, and KOSDAQ Stock Market. KRX operates markets for equities, bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments. It plays a crucial role in the South Korean economy by providing a platform for companies to raise capital and for investors to trade securities. Established in 1956, the Korea Exchange (KRX) has contributed to Korea’s economic development by providing growth capital for companies and diverse opportunities for investors.

Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE)

Established in 1961, the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) located in Taipei is the primary stock exchange in Taiwan and a major player in the East Asian financial market. It’s a self-regulatory organization under the oversight of Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission and facilitates capital raising for companies and investment opportunities for domestic and international investors. It plays a key role in Taiwan’s financial market by providing a platform for the trading of stocks, bonds, and other securities. The TWSE is known for its focus on technology stocks, reflecting Taiwan’s position as a major player in the global technology industry.

Moscow Exchange (MOEX)

The Moscow Exchange (MOEX), also known as Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS, is the largest stock exchange in Russia. It serves as the central hub for trading a wide range of financial instruments, making it crucial for Russia’s economy. It was formed in 2011 by virtue of the merger of the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) and the Russian Trading System (RTS). MOEX operates trading markets for equities, bonds, derivatives, currencies, and money market instruments. It is the largest exchange group in Russia and Eastern Europe by trading volume and market capitalization. MOEX plays a crucial role in the Russian financial market by providing a platform for capital raising, trading, and risk management.

Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), also referred to as JSE Limited is Africa’s largest stock exchange by market capitalization. Established in 1887 during the Witwatersrand Gold Rush it is one of the oldest exchanges in the world. It was originally called the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. It later became JSE Securities Exchange and currently operates as JSE Limited. Today the JSE plays a vital part in the South African financial landscape, connecting buyers and sellers of various securities. The JSE is a member of the World Federation of Exchanges and is regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority of South Africa. The JSE is known for its well-regulated and efficient market infrastructure, which has contributed to its reputation as a leading emerging market exchange.

Singapore Exchange (SGX)

The Singapore Exchange (SGX) is the main securities and derivatives exchange in Singapore. It was formed in 1999 through the merger of the Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) and the Singapore International Monetary Exchange (SIMEX). SGX provides a platform for the trading of a wide range of financial instruments, including equities, bonds, derivatives, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). SGX is known for its strength in Asian equity derivatives and is a major hub for trading in Asian securities. It is also a leader in the trading of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) in Asia. SGX plays a crucial role in the Singaporean economy by providing a platform for companies to raise capital and for investors to access a diverse range of investment opportunities.

Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul)

The Saudi Stock Exchange, known as Tadawul, is the only stock exchange in Saudi Arabia. It was established in 2007 and is headquartered in Riyadh. Tadawul is the largest stock exchange in the Middle East and North Africa region by market capitalization and is regulated by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) of Saudi Arabia. Tadawul plays a key role in the Saudi Arabian economy by providing a platform for the trading of equities, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and sukuks (Islamic bonds). The exchange has undergone significant reforms in recent years to increase its attractiveness to foreign investors, including the introduction of T+2 settlement cycle and the inclusion of Saudi stocks in global emerging market indices.

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Neeraj Mahajan
Neeraj Mahajanhttps://n2erajmahajan.wordpress.com/
Neeraj Mahajan is a hard-core, creative and dynamic media professional with over 35 years of proven competence and 360 degree experience in print, electronic, web and mobile journalism. He is an eminent investigative journalist, out of the box thinker, and a hard-core reporter who is always hungry for facts. Neeraj has worked in all kinds of daily/weekly/broadsheet/tabloid newspapers, magazines and television channels like Star TV, BBC, Patriot, Sunday Observer, Sunday Mail, Network Magazine, Verdict, and Gfiles Magazine.


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