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Gifts, Christmas & Hypocrisy

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By Dr Henry Shepherd

Greetings of Christmas season lies in the fact that God considered humanity worthy of sacrifice of his Son. Therefore all over the world Christmas is celebrated as a festival of sharing gifts, particularly with nonentities. However for children and other the joy of Christmas remains confined to eating cake & cookies, wearing new dresses and lots of funfair. Santa Clause, though an extra-biblical imaginary character has now become an integral part of parties and social functions celebrated during the seasons.

The custom of sharing gifts has been practiced to remind the partakers that is on the first Christmas day Jesus (Messiah or Christ) was born as a gift of God to redeem the humanity from the bondage of sin; for God so loved the world that he gave His Son that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. God’s love for humans is immeasurable and his gift is invaluable. From 354 AD, Christmas has been celebrated in the present form. In general, people love to receive gifts and return gifts. God also expect from the recipients to believe and offer a designated return gift: their free willed wholehearted love and obedience for God the Father. One can gift anything that belongs to the person therefore man often chooses to offer to God-gold silver, jewels, money, shawls or eatables. But God says,” What all you have on earth belongs to me and is my creation.’ Things that belongs to humans and worthy of giving to God are: love, obedience, thankfulness, praises and worship. Out of human virtues God has chosen our love; for when you sow love you will reap more love. And God is love. Though love costs nothing, yet man chooses to give him expensive gift but seldom offer true love.

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Christ is God’s inestimable gift for humankind but it is given only after penitence and commitment to lead a godly life as demonstrated by Jesus himself. He is the only role model for recipients of the gift of the Savior. But this condition has been biggest hitch for them who wish to lead a life of their choice i.e., a life that conforms to the pattern of the world. They want to eat cake and have it too.

Human reluctance could be seen from the first Christmas. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, was reluctant to receive Messiah in his family, until the angle convinced him of the divine birth. He had decided to divorce his wife Mary, the mother of conceived Jesus. Since hesitation of Mary was quite reasonable, she reluctantly asked the angel, who appeared to her with the message, “Since I am a virgin how will this be?” The angel replied,” Don’t be afraid Mary you have found favour with God. You will be with a child and give birth to a son. Name him Jesus, he will be great and will be called ‘Son of the Most High’ His kingdom will never end”. Though Jews were waiting for prophesied Messiah, to come, yet would not believe that he has come as an ordinary child. The shepherds were also terrified to hear the good news from angel, and did not testify to people. Similarly when Magi (astrologers), from east, came to know about the birth of Jesus through their books an exceptionally bright star guided them to the manger of Bethlehem where Jesus was born. They met the king Herod and enquired about the newly born king of Israel. Herod who was unaware of the birth confirmed the news by calling Jewish scribes, teachers and priests. Since they also confirmed the news in the light of prophesies, the king felt threatened and issued a decree to kill all the newly born male children in his kingdom, up to the age of two years.

A big gift or reward often causes of jealousy and heartburn for adversaries. Another Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob, received an ornamental robe from his father as a gift. But due to this his own brothers became his enemy. They threw him in a dry well, but God saved his life through some travelers, who took him to Egypt, and was sold as a slave. Thus he spent thirteen years in slavery and jail before God elevated him to the highest position i.e., next to only Pharaoh. If a gift is below expectation instead of favor it can bring insult or disfavor. A proverb says: ‘A gift given in secret soothes anger, and a bribe concealed in cloak pacifies great wrath.’ Jacob himself used expensive gifts to pacify his elder brother, whom he has cheated and fled to another state to save his life. Sometimes recipients may impose conditions to receive a gift; Jesus said. “If you wish to offer a gift to God go and first reconcile with your brother”. The gift of eternal life has been offered to man with the conditions believing in Jesus Christ and repent. Though man has been searching how to earn, the eternal life is a free gift of God, given to them who repose their faith in Jesus. However a few recipients of divine gifts have misused them to earn name, fame and wealth in the world.

The first Christmas was a historical event which divided history into BC and AD. But its purpose was to provide a mediator between man and God. Christmas gives every believer an opportunity to assess their spiritual growth in practicing the teachings of Jesus. One can live a godly life when Jesus takes birth in his heart. Mere festivities are acts of hypocrisy without the Spirit of God abiding in heart. Two thousand years ago in the city of Bethlehem, Jesus was refused a room to take birth. Later they did not accept him as their Messiah. Even today by refusing him a room in life one individually repeats the history once again. Also due to fear and hatred of rulers, millions of his followers have sacrificed their lives for their faith. Even Jesus’ apostles were brutally murdered within a few years of crucifixion.

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Our bodies are temple of God. Christmas, for them who have already offered Jesus a room in their lives, is an occasion to clean the temple and make it gradually a better place to abide. We are also expected to give Jesus a gift on his birthday. But what can man give him? True, the earth and all things therein belong to God; yet we can give what belongs to us: bane habits? Yes offer them at the feet of the Lord. He will willingly accept them and make you free, for if we do not get rid of them, soon they would cause backsliding i.e., separation from God (old life). A believer is a person who leads a selfless sacrificial life, loves neighbors and enemies as he loves himself, hates sin, serves and forgives others. Love is essence of Jesus’ teachings. The one who cannot love his brother cannot love God.

It is said: one can give without loving but cannot love without giving. A couple loved one another very much they but not have enough money to express their love by giving Christmas gift. Both tried hard to arrange for money but failed, so the husband decided to sell his precious pocket watch and purchased a golden clip for beautiful long hair of his wife. The wife loved her hair very much yet she sold them and bought a gold chain for the watch of her husband. Both were now excited to pass the surprise gifts; not knowing the content of gift packets they opened their gifts and had tears in their eyes. They realized the extent of their love for each other. If there is no sacrifice in love for Christ than eating cake, cookies singing carols and decorating tallest Christmas tree etc is merely fun or hypocrisy. Christ expects us to love him with all our heart, soul and strength.

 shephardDr Henry Shepherd is former Pro Vice Chancellor Sam Higginbottom  Institute of Ag Engg & Tech

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