In ancient Greece it was said that creation is taken by the Creator when it reaches a point of complete degradation and disorder. The creation is then cleansed and released, to move on its own natural course till the full cycle is completed. At the end of this cycle, when there is total decay and disorder, the Creator once again takes the creation, cleanses it and lets it go. This repetitive process of taking, cleansing and letting go was called the eternal rhythm of the universe; a rhythm expressed continuously through repeating cycles of time. In India, in the Bhagwad Gita, it is mentioned that Almighty descends on earth at the time of extreme degradation, when everything is in complete disorder and imbalance. He comes especially to restore and rejuvenate the original order of all things.
Today, the 21st century modern man who lives in his own virtual world dosen’t cares much to know about his advent in this cosmic cycle, however as a small part of such a big creation, we ought to know how and in what manner have we arrived here. The cycle of human life starts from the Alpha Point, then goes full circle and returns back to the point of Beginning. The End and the Beginning meet in Alpha, and through this eternal point of meeting there is purification and renewal, thus the alpha is the point of departure and the point of return. Alpha, who can be called Creator, Almighty or Supreme, is complete and self-sufficient. So no matter how much of HIS energy is given for the renewal of the earth, it never diminishes in any way as HIS power is unlimited and, in this sense, infinite. The Supreme , being a Point, is not everywhere, however, through HIS thought HE can reach everyone, everywhere, at anytime. He is eternally a Point who radiates to all and is close to all through the power of His love. In many myths and legends, different cultures have spoken of a time of degeneration when the earth falls into complete chaos and then order is restored through divine intervention. The Supreme Being is shown here acting as a harmonizer and sustainer of life. His identity is as unique and indivisible as ours. He is who He is. His identity and role are permanent. A human soul cannot become Supreme, but can become like Supreme. The pure and sweet energy of Almighty can penetrate the soul, enabling the soul to become absorbed in a union of deep bliss. It is this kind of union that awakens and transforms the soul.
Each soul, including the Supreme Soul, is unique. The play of life on earth is made possible only because each actor is unique, hence each one of us has our own part, as does Almighty. Remember ! Almighty is only One and will always be One, in the same way as there is only one of me and one of you. This difference creates the beauty of life. Difference does not cancel out feelings of similarity and oneness; in fact, difference enhances those feelings. Oneness with HIM and with each other is possible when we respect the differences and, on the basis of respect, we unite . The more we move closer towards HIM, the more we can absorb that pure goodness into ourselves and then share it with others. That pure energy in us then becomes the basis of personal transformation and of awakening the eternal uniqueness of the self. So let us unite with that ONE force to absorb original goodness within us & spread it into the world to make it good, healthy & powerful.