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Indo-China bilateral meeting: striving for strategic trust

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Indo-China bilateral meeting: striving for strategic trust

Wang Yi, Director, Foreign Affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and also the Foreign Minister after the unceremonious removal of Qin Gang met with Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval in Johannesburg on the sidelines of the BRICS National Security Advisers meet on 24 July.

An interesting facet of the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing was to quote Wang Yi as saying, “At the end of last year, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi reached an important consensus on stabilizing China-India relations in Bali”.

This is the first mention of such a bilateral happening between the top leaders of India and China on the sidelines of the Bali G 20 Summit. Previously the only information was an informal exchange of pleasantries between the two leaders at one of the events during the G 20 in Bali.

Indeed it would be safe to presume that such a bilateral summit took place given that there has been no denial from the Indian side even though almost 48 hours have passed after the Chinese MFA statement.

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And in the Weekly Media Briefing on July 27, Indian Ministry of Spokesperson Arindam Bagchee has indeed confirmed that such a meeting if not a formal bilateral took place.

The bilateral augurs well in the sense that it implies strategic communication between India and China’s top leadership is continuing.

What is however also important to note is that Strategic Mistrust continues.

As per the Chinese MFA statement, Wang Yi indicated, “The two sides should adhere to the strategic judgment of the leaders of the two countries that “they do not pose a threat to each other, and they are each other’s development opportunities”, truly implement the consensus on stabilizing bilateral relations into specific policies, and translate them into concerted actions by many departments and areas, increase strategic mutual confidence, emphasise agreement and collaboration, overcome interference and obstacles, and support the restoration of good bilateral relations and stable development at an early date.

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On the contrary, the Chinese statement quotes Ajit Doval as saying, “The Indian side is willing to work with the Chinese side to find a fundamental way to resolve the border situation in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual respect, look at the overall situation and the long-term, promote the improvement and development of bilateral relations as soon as possible, and make positive contributions to maintaining world peace and prosperity”.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs statement of the NSA’s meeting is more cryptic and the relevant portion of the statement indicates an erosion of strategic trust. “During the meeting, NSA conveyed that the situation along the LAC in the Western Sector of the India-China boundary since 2020 had eroded strategic trust and the public and political basis of the relationship,” as per the MEA statement.

Amidst ongoing border tensions, China and India engaged in a crucial meeting to address the fragile and dangerous situation along their shared borders. Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, held a meeting with his Indian counterpart, Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, emphasizing the need for both nations to work collaboratively towards finding an acceptable solution to the border issues.

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Several rounds of military and diplomatic talks have taken place in an effort to de-escalate tensions between the two armies. However, India remains cautious, describing the current situation on the border as precarious. The need for resolution and lasting stability is paramount for regional peace and cooperation.

During the meeting, Wang Yi stressed the importance of unity and cooperation, urging both sides to support each other and strive towards common goals. He highlighted the significance of mutual understanding and collaboration rather than engaging in confrontations or harbouring suspicions.

The complexities of the border disputes demand a joint effort to find an amicable and feasible resolution that is acceptable to both China and India. Dialogue and constructive engagement are key to finding a way forward that addresses the concerns of both nations.

As neighbouring giants in the international arena, China and India share not only a long-standing history but also numerous opportunities for cooperation and development. By fostering an environment of trust and mutual respect, both nations can work together towards resolving their differences and promoting regional stability.

While challenges persist, the meeting between Wang Yi and Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar represents a step towards open communication and a willingness to seek common ground. As they continue to navigate complex border issues, a spirit of cooperation and understanding will play a pivotal role in fostering a positive and constructive relationship between the two nations.

Will there be any upcoming bilateral meetings between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping given that two major summits are lined up where the two will be present such as the BRICS and the G20 remains to be seen?

What would result in the re-establishment of strategic trust – certainly that would be far more than disengagement and de-escalation from the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh.

As two competitors in the international and regional arena have occupied two opposite corners of the ring so to say, strategic trust between India and China will continue to be at a premium.

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Vipul Tamhane
Vipul Tamhane
Vipul Tamhane is an Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) specialist with expertise in international business, and Commercial Law. He is a visiting faculty at Pune University's Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, where he teaches Counter Terrorism to Masters and Postgraduate Diploma students. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Diplomacy Direct, an upcoming national-interest think tank dealing with counter-terrorism, national security, geopolitics, and international diplomacy.


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