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HomePress ReleaseGreyweave.com to invest Rs 7.5 million in Jaipur and Bengaluru

Greyweave.com to invest Rs 7.5 million in Jaipur and Bengaluru

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Greyweave, India’s leading handmade carpets and rugs brand is all geared up to invest Rs 7.5 million for the firm’s offline expansion plan. With already topping the charts in terms of India’s largest online organised collection of carpets and rugs of all styles, the offline expansion will be a further shot in the arm for the company.

The offline expansion plan will see the light of the day in two vibrant cities – Jaipur and Bengaluru. Out of total investment of Rs 75 lakhs meant for offline presence for Greyweave, Pink City and Garden City will get Rs 25 lakhs and Rs 50 lakhs respectively. Two cities have been earmarked and finalised after in-depth data analysis and comprehensive market research. Both the cities are witnessing growing demands of organised collection of carpets and rugs of all styles.

Commenting on the offline expansion plan in Jaipur and Bengaluru, Greyweave.com’s CEO Vikas Gupta said, “We will leave no stone unturned to deliver our best in Pink City and Garden City where people can come and experience the one of the finest collection of carpets and rugs of all styles, that too handmade.”

“As we are already topping the charts in terms of India’s largest online organised collection of carpets and rugs of all styles, for us it becomes even more important to live up to the expectations of our existing customers and prospective buyers. At Greyweave, quality is of foremost importance, and that’s what we assure and promise to deliver,” Vikas Gupta added.

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“In addition to opening channels for people who want to experience the product before buying, offline expansion plan in Jaipur and Bengaluru is expected to generate employment and jobs for locals too,” concludes Vikas Gupta.

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