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HomeDEFENCEWhy does India need to agree to Pakistan Army’s cease-fire proposal?

Why does India need to agree to Pakistan Army’s cease-fire proposal?

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It has been reported that UAE, is trying to broker a cease-fire between India and Pakistan along the 778 km long LOC. The question is why should India agree to it, giving a breather to Pakistan?

In early 2020 Pakistan after watching the lukewarm reaction in the US against Chinese adventure in Pangong Tsu, Gohghara, Hot springs, depsang felt that it too could hold India to ransom. So it upped the ante and more than 4000 cross border firing incidents were reported in 2020. India also reciprocated tit for tat and the entire LOC became a very dangerous place.

China along with Pakistan was banking on the fact that the new US president Joe Biden would not continue Donald Trump’s hard-line policy against China. However, China was surprised by India’s unyielding snub in Pangong Tsu and Galwan Valley.

China was further unnerved by the Japanese resistance in Senkaku Island and rigid rebuff by much smaller countries like the Philippines and Vietnam with stubbornness. To make matters worse even Taiwan sent its fighter jets to checkmate China forays in its air defence zone and its PM gave a statement that Taiwan would prefer to go down fighting if China attacks. The US too deployed its Nimitz-class supercarrier the USS Theodore Roosevelt supported by Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer the USS Russell, Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser the USS Bunker Hill, and Destroyer Squadron 23 to defend Taiwan. India not only extended full support to Taiwan but also chose to fully participate in full strength along with other QUAD partners consisting of the US, Japan, Australia, and France.

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This made China realize that India could any day sort out Pakistan and take back POK areas illegally occupied by Pakistan. China also knows that for now, India is a major pivot in the Indo-pacific region. So if China in any way interferes in any war between India – Pakistan the US will definitely step in and China would end up fighting a two-front war if not three. In other words, it is China that is nudging Pakistan to cool down. This is why the Pakistani Army Chief Gen Bajwa requested India to forget old enmity and negotiate on the table as well as agree to a ceasefire on LOC.

But it belies reason why India is following China’s script and agreeing to cease fire when we have the upper hand? India knows that the Pakistani Army is a political Army incapable of fighting a professional army like the Indian Army.

It is high time India made it clear to the Pakistani Army to stop its jehadi cross border activities or else there would be no cease-fire? As of now, Jihad infiltrators continue to cross the border from Pakistan.  

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Brig Arun Bajpai
Brig Arun Bajpai
Defence and Strategic Analyst


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