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HomeNEWSInternational NewsWas China bluffing about Xi's house arrest and coup against him?

Was China bluffing about Xi’s house arrest and coup against him?

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In 1921, two Chinese revolutionaries Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao laid the foundation of the  Chinese Communist Party (CCP)  with the help of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Communist Internationals.

The CCP is the highest body of the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (NCCCP) and is convened once in every five years. When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee is the highest body. Still, since it usually only meets once a year, most routine duties, and responsibilities are handled by the Politburo formally known as the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, which is the decision-making body of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its Standing Committee.

The members of the Standing Committee include the top leadership of the Party and the State. It is officially mandated to discuss major issues and take policy decisions when the Politburo, is not in session. According to the party’s constitution, the General Secretary of the Central Committee is also a member of the Politburo Standing Committee.

Xi Jinping

The leader of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party is the highest-ranking official and head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He holds the office of General Secretary (responsible for civilian party duties), Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) (responsible for military affairs), and State President (a largely ceremonial position). Because of these posts, the party leader is seen as the country’s paramount leader.

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The current leader  Xi Jinping was elected at the 18th National Congress held on 15 November 2012 and retained his position at the 19th National Congress held on 25 October 2017.

Now since it’s time for a possible change of leadership of China’s ruling Communist Party which meets later this month on Oct. 16, Xi Jinping may be inclined to secure a third term and cement his place as China’s most powerful leader since Mao Zedong.

To make it possible China might have tried to fool the rest of the world by using deception or propaganda about Xi Xing Ping being under house arrest. Deception is a key component of Chinese military strategy. The Chinese follow the doctrine of 36 stratagems propounded by Sun Tzu and his successor Sun Bin in business, politics, war, and daily life. It is an amazing strategic, tactical and psychological holy book of war.

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This is the beauty of psychological warfare as these deceptive tactics can win any war without even fighting it on the ground. These tactics were also advocated by Indian master strategist and philosopher Kautilya, Chanakya or Vishnu Gupta who mentioned this in his treatise called Artha-shastra (“The Science of Material Gain”). The Arthashastra itself propounded the 5 ideologies of ancient Indian warfare and strategy.

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Sun Tzu drafted his Art of War based on different Indian texts of warfare and strategies. He was more focused on combat while Chanakya focussed on the world’s best strategic scriptures and philosophies – namely Krishna Neeti, Vidur Neeti, Shukra Neeti, Kanik Neeti and Garuda Neeti in his Chanakya Neeti or Kautilya Neeti.

If we compare this to the Art of War, we may find a number of similarities between the two when it comes to warfare and strategic affairs. But the only exception is that though Sun Tzu’s Art of War doesn’t mention economics or philosophy, Kautilya’s Arthshastra dabbles deep into it.

Hence while the Chinese strategy of deception, may fool people all over the world, it doesn’t work on Indians who are trained to evade Chinese propaganda thanks to Kautilya’s Arthashastra.

China coup - fake news

The recent Chinese information or propaganda warfare was in all probability created by the Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS) which is the principal intelligence, security and secret police agency of the People’s Republic of China, responsible for counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security. The MSS controls and operates the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), an academic think tank on international affairs.

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However, both MSS and its prodigy CICIR failed to fool people in India.

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The timing of the ‘coup’ just a couple of days after vice-minister of public security Sun Lijun, justice minister Fu Zhenghua, and police chiefs of Shanghai, Chongqing and Shanxi were jailed for corruption in China is important.


While on the face of it the whole world talked about a huge military drill or coup inside China, it was instead a clever ploy to camouflage and conceal information about a change in Nuclear Logistics Command from rural China to Beijing.

Mao Zedong or Chairman Mao, the founder of the People’s Republic of China said in 1958, “Our country is developing nuclear weapons in order to warn our enemies against making war on us, not in order to use nuclear weapons to attack them.”

This was probably the reason behind freezing the Airspace and cancelling the flights so that no electronic surveillance or espionage could reveal the true intention behind the move or its location.

As we all know, China has an airtight anti-leakage news infrastructure. This means no news can go out of China without being monitored by the CCP and MSS surveillance systems. So this news floated outside in the world media was actually a hoax. Here Xi used chapter 34 of the Art of War to fool the world followed as well as other chapters to support it.  

Morale of the story: don’t fall prey to fake Chinese propaganda.

Therefore the fake information about the Chinese President being kept under house arrest was only a clever tactic to check the operational preparedness of the rivals and their moves in a typical chessboard strategy.


Don’t believe in any information coming from China. Its ideological subversion dipped into the opium of Sun Tzu’s Art of War strategies. Who knows how your brain will react after getting intoxicated by Chinese fake news?

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Dr Bharat Bose
Dr Bharat Bose
Dr Bharat Bose is Fellow Member of CESRAN. EUROPARL, AFPC, RAND, CSIS; Post Doc in Global Terrorism & Security, Princeton Privy league University, USA; PhD in Global Strategic Affairs and International Security, Georgetown University USA and Post Doc in Psycho Neuro Kinetics from Kaiser Wilhelm Institute or Plank Gesselshaft University of Brain Research. Berlin The views expressed are his own and Taazakhabar News doesn’t necessarily subscribe to the same


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