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Top tips for moving aboard

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Top tips for moving aboard

Moving aboard can be both a hugely exciting opportunity and a very intimidating prospect. Moving anywhere can be a time-consuming and complex process but moving aboard comes with its level of complications. This guide is here to help you learn all the top tips to help you make your moving aboard process go as smoothly as possible. 

1. Check Your Passport 

It is a good idea to check your passport before you start the moving process just to make sure you don’t have to try and sort this out last minute. To apply for a visa, you will need to have a valid passport, which usually means that the passport will have at least six months before it is due to expire. 

2. Apply for a Visa 

The length of time it will take to get a visa certified will depend on which country you are moving to and what type of visa you are applying for. Applying for a visa can also be a stressful process as you are worried you might make a mistake and risk not being allowed to enter the country for whatever reason. Applying for a visa early will enable you to reduce stress giving you enough time to sort out all the paperwork before your travel date. 

3. Do Your Research 

Before you move, it is vital to do some research into the area you are going to be living in. There is a wide range of resources online, from ex-pat Facebook groups to travellers’ blogs that you can use to help you find out more. You should look at potential areas, cultural customs, and other information to help you prepare for a move aboard. 

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4. Sort Out Shipping 

One of the biggest questions that people will face when they are moving aboard is how to move their belongings. Unlike moving to a different town, you cannot just rent a truck and ship everything yourself. Before your move, it is a good idea to spend some time going through your belongings to ensure you are only taking what is necessary. Donating or giving away old belongings can be very useful as it limits the amount of money you will have to spend.

You should not expect to take everything with you on the plane while you move, this can be both difficult to arrange and very expensive. It is recommended that you look into pallet shipping to discover how to ship your belongings for your upcoming move aboard.

5. Get Someone on the Ground 

Having a contact that is already living in the area you are looking to move to can be hugely useful. Being in contact with someone who will help you to learn more about the local area in which you are looking to move can help you hit the ground running. Someone who has experience living in the area in which you are looking to move can also help you to navigate some of the other tasks that come with setting up a new life, such as getting a Wi-Fi package, a phone contact, and a new bank account.

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