In the academic world, the line between “educator ” and “teacher” can be an unclear one.
Discussions of academic quality can take into account any number of things: scholarly work, fame and renown, influence on policy, citation etc… But asking the alumni to talk about their teachers and what they’ll tell you is somewhat different.
They’ll tell you about teaching… about memories of humour (and sometimes fear) in the classroom. Most of all, they will tell you about how the time they spent with their educators that have so deeply enriched their memories
Most Senior Alumni’s remembered a very attractive science teacher and how several boys would go and attend her class despite being mathematics students.
Another remembered how he had hit a classmate in the eye accidentally while playing hockey. Several others recalled how we had been together at Scout camps. Punishments which had seemed highly embarrassing then now brought smiles to our faces.
Discussing our old school lives, especially the fun moments when everything seemed much better despite the homework and teacher’s punishment, took up a large part of our meeting time.
Nothing beats a school alumni group of friends from a time when we are incapable of selfishness. As social beings, we crave for opportunities to exchange our collective memories, ideas, views, experiences, opinions and agendas and an alumni/educators meet is just the occasion to get together with old friends, Salesian educators & teachers whom we have not met for years.
16th October – Sunday is the day when we will meet to pay special tribute in person to all our Salesian Educators, and Teachers. We owe our success to them.
Lastly, we remember the famous words of Mr Narayana Murthy ” Nobody is bothered about an institution more than its Alumni”
Remeth Fernandes: Alumni Founder & Mentor
Lenus Britto: Ex-President & Organiser
Anthony Mascarenhas: Chief Organiser