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Significance of Raksha Bandhan today

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Raksha Bandhan is one such festival that holds a special place in the hearts of all sisters and brothers, because on this day, they reinstate the commitment to their pure relationship. Sisters tie a decorated string (rakhi) around the wrist of their brothers, thereby metaphorically strengthening the bond of love that exists in their relation and in return, the brothers make a promise to the sisters to safeguard them against all threats, whether physical or financial. The beauty of this divine bond between bother & sister is that it is guaranteed without uttering a single word. The simple gesture of tying the thread, exchanging sweets and sometimes a little pocket money simply endorses that relationship & does it all!

With the passage of time, this festival has acquired different expressions and connotations. However, one  wonders as to why and how did it all begin? Not long ago, during the times of royal dynasties in India, a similar kind of event used to be held in the presence of a family priest. And even now it happens in many south Indian families.

The priest, after offering some formal prayers , would tie a sacred thread to all the family members thus figuratively signifying that they are protected against all evils. This also used to be a tradition when the men of the family would set out for a battle. It is interesting to note how these people sincerely believed that a small string would actually be able to protect them from various kinds of dangers. Looking deeper, one would ponder whether it was just the string or was it the extent of pure energized intentions and good wishes that went with it?

Sadly ,today we seem to have lost the degree of self-conviction, and pure vision that we had for the traditions as well as love for our family members, till a few hundred years back. But, the question that arises is that what is the real reason behind this change in the mindset of our civilization? Some people blame the modern or urban lifestyles and claim that it is due to an exposure to western ways that we Indians are losing our cultural roots. But we must not forget that it works both ways.

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It is right that we are exposed to a much greater diversity of cultures and ways of thinking and living than any of our past generations. But at the same time, this exposure comes with a greater freedom to make a choice! Therefore, to say that we are behaving in this manner due to this or that or them, is simply making excuses for our own convenience. After all, one’s behavior should be guided by one’s own decisions and value systems and  not by what others are expressing or following.

Hence, the need of the hour is not to banish media or globalization for that matter, but to focus on restoration of human values and individual self-respect, because ultimately the seed of all our actions lies in the thought that our mind generates. And it is only when we consciously look into our thought patterns that we’ll be able to rectify and take the right decisions. The understanding of the concept of soul and karma is very helpful when it comes to checking on our value base. The most important realization that comes with the knowledge of soul is that of universal brotherhood. And once we have realised this aspect then our feelings, vision and attitude towards others will automatically be respectful tranquil & serene.

So, this year while tying the sacred thread on brothers hand, all the sisters should remind themselves as well as their brothers that we human souls are children of “One Supreme”  and we are connected to each other through spiritual brotherhood. By committing ourselves to values such as purity, honesty, respect, co-operation and compassion, we strengthen the bond of pure love with each other, because only pure thoughts and actions can ensure protection from hatred, violence and harm.

So , let us take this opportunity of Raksha Bandhan to remind ourselves of the eternal truth of souls’ brotherhood.

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And let us use this thread of divine love to enhance the inner attributes to a new height, and thus ensure that we hold the purest and the most cherished feelings for all & for ever.

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Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj
Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj
A spiritual leader of Brahma Kumaris faith, Brahma Kumar Nikunj is a living example of simplicity, wisdom and devotion. Born in business family from Mumbai, Nikunj Ji was an Atheist. However, a chanced encounter with Rajyogini B.K.Didi Nalini Ji changed his life. Inspired by her thoughts & teachings, he decided to pursue spirituality. By virtue of sacrifice, penance, and godly services over the past 22 years he has been able to develop his inner self and enhance his spiritual knowledge. His Philosophy in Life is - “Spirituality cannot be taught, it has to be experienced”.


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