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HomeBUSINESSAutomobilesDaimler: my beauty and your brains

Daimler: my beauty and your brains

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Way back in the 18th century, Angela Isadora Duncan– a stunning American beauty, also known as “The Mother of Dance” and a pioneer in modern dance techniques proposed to George Bernard Shaw. She wrote him a letter in which she said: “Will you be the father of my next child? A combination of my beauty and your brains would startle the world.”

“I must decline your offer with thanks, for the child might have my beauty and your brains.”  Shaw wrote back, rejecting her offer.

Whatever might have been the reason behind George Bernard Shaw’s rejection; this doesn’t always have to be the eternal truth. Daimler India is one such unique example.

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A perfect blend of pure-blooded German advanced technology, and hereditary quality consciousness– as well as Indian innovation, resourceful, engineering, and workmen skills, Daimler Buses, have all that it takes to be India’s No 1- ideal, intelligent and irresistible modes of road transport. This is the reason why Daimler Buses is making dreams come true — and winning hearts and minds of stakeholders in the Indian market.

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The essence of Daimler’s strategy — Arrive today, to think about tomorrow”revolves around producing highly efficient, safe and environment-friendly means of transport.

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India is the second largest bus market in the world after China. India also happens to be a crucial cog in the wheel, and the second largest production site in the Daimler production network.

From the looks of it, Daimler took the right decision at the right time, when it overlooked all dangers, took the plunge, and entered the Indian market.

“It was the right time in terms of setting up the facility and it’s was also the right time to bring new products in the market. Since India is developing in a very dynamic way, it is important to present very early and if you look at the other European manufacturers I think this provides us with a competitive advantage on the bus ride,” says Thomas Fricke, CEO Daimler Buses India (a unit of Daimler India Commercial Vehicle, DICV).

Daimler India has big plans to emerge as the world’s largest bus manufacturing and exporting hub. Daimler – the largest fully built bus and chassis manufacturer in Europe is leaving no stone unturned to position itself as one of the world’s leading bus manufacturer as well as the seller, in future.

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Daimler’s ultra-modern production plant spread over an area of 113,000 sq. m. at Chennai is the first in the world to produce trucks, buses, and engines, within the same premises. Built with an investment of around Rs 400 crore, it is capable of producing over 1,500 fully built buses and 3,000 chassis per year. Daimler’s bus plant has the capacity to employ about 1,300 people in and around Chennai, including 300 for DICV and 1,000 at Wrightbus International, Daimler’s bus bodybuilder. The bus market in India has the potential to absorb around 40,000 buses annually. Already, the second largest bus buyer and seller after China, it has the capacity to grow about 4 % per annum.

The year 2018 saw a promising upswing in Daimler India’s report-card. Daimler India Commercial Vehicle (DICV) managed to sell more buses and chassis compared to Europe which suffered a 25-30 % slump, during the same period. Riding on the crest of this unprecedented high-tide, Daimler hopes to double the number and export even more vehicles in 2019. DICV’s future growth and performance in the Indian bus market may, however, depend upon the looming Lok Sabha elections and alternative propulsion technologies. Instead of blindly following the electro-mobility bandwagon, Daimler is hedging its bets in favor of BS-VI compliant vehicles. Almost its entire portfolio is being upgraded to BS-VI standard.

“India is developing very fast and if you are in a growth situation then it’s always easier to bring products to convince people to take up new technologies,” says Thomas Fricke, CEO Daimler Buses India (a unit of Daimler India Commercial Vehicle, DICV). He added, “We have also set some ambitious targets for the coming year and intend to continue growing – not just in our established markets but especially in the world’s new growth regions.”

Daimler is expecting to export fully built buses and chassis to Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and a few other countries in Africa, and South East Asia in the near future from India. Apart from Germany and India, Daimler has a manufacturing base in Brazil, Spain. The volume of buses weighing over eight tons in the Indian market is expected to grow more than double by the year 2020. As always, Daimler’s two-pronged strategy is to offer — the right products and services to its customers.


The suffix – Benz behind Daimler’s flagship ‘Mercedes Benz’ brand – is derived from Karl Friedrich Benz a German automobile engineer who developed the first motorcar in 1886 and world’s first bus in 1895. Bertha Benz –his wife and mother of his five children undertook the world’s first long-distance automobile journey, this made her the first lady motorist in world history.

Bertha Benz – was not only his wife but also one of Karl Benz’s main supporters who inspired him and even financed him to develop the world’s first automobiles. Bertha realized that people were skeptic about the new means of transport, so she set off on a 104 km long journey from Mannheim to Pforzheim to prove how simple it was to cover the long journey in the new vehicle prototype developed by her husband.

So supposedly without the knowledge of her husband, Bertha Benz, along with her sons, Eugen and Richard set off on a journey in the contraption innovated by her husband to visit her mother in Pforzheim, on 5th August 1888.

Today, the day on which Bertha set off on her journey is celebrated with much fanfare in Germany and an antique automobile rally is organized every two years. Of course, now anybody can cover the 194 km journey, but can you even imagine the problems Bertha faced on her journey? But along the route, Bertha faced many problems but didn’t give up. She had to literally run around to locate pharmacies on the way to refuel and also encountered many technical and mechanical problems which needed to be repaired. But in the process, she invented the brake lining when she ordered a shoemaker to nail leather on the brake blocks. Finally, after arriving at Pforzheim, she sent a telegram to her husband, informing him of her success. Bertha’s first long journey by an automobile was a big step in the history of mobility and mankind. It made her world famous as the lady who made it possible.



Daimler India prides itself for producing some of the finest fully built 9, 16 and 24-ton buses and chassis in the 16-ton segment. Daimler India’s 9-ton buses and 16-ton chassis are in big demand in Africa, Middle East, Latin America, and other South East Asian countries.

Daimler India’s product basket includes—an entire range of fully built buses and chassis for all seasons & reasons like– Urban, Intercity, minibusses as well as luxury tourist coaches. These are bundled into two brands – Mercedes-Benz (high-end luxury rear engine buses) and BharatBenz (front engine buses for the volume segment).

Anyone buying or traveling in Daimler’s twin offshoots — Mercedes-Benz (15-metre multi-axle luxury coach or 9, 16 and 24-ton bus chassis) and BharatBenz (9-ton bus for school, staff, and tourist transport) is assured of the highest safety, quality, future-ready technology, and fuel efficiency. Apart from features like environment-friendly, cost-effective, innovative, and accident-free driving, these vehicles are equipped with a number of automotive safety devises and mechanisms to withstand critical emergency situations, protect against accident, or mitigating after the accident.

In addition to features like 24×7 customer support, tailor-made after-sales packages, and advanced interactive vehicle diagnosis, DICV is offering custom-tailored financing services to its potential buyers through Daimler Financial Services India.

Daimler’s flagship product, the 15 meters, Mercedes-Benz 2441 SHD (Super High Deck) –is one of the longest, most powerful and comfortable luxury coaches in India. It is fitted with OM457 LA engine which has more horsepower and replaces the Mercedes-Benz 2436. It has many other features that offer effortless driving and smoother ride for the passengers. The 2441 SHD Automatic luxury coach can accommodate up to 59 people in the pushback seats and 14 cubic meters of luggage space. Apart from best-in-class fuel economy, comfort and safety its robust aluminique body makes it the lightest vehicle in its class. Some of its added safety features include active steerable axle, advanced braking system, strategically located fuel tank and low turning circuit that makes it easier and effortless to navigate sharp turns.  The strong body build helps these buses to tackle the challenges offered by a variety of road infrastructure, with minimal maintenance. The unique lightweight ‘aluminique’ body provides them better vehicle stability and control due to a low center of gravity.

These smart, efficient, economical to operate, environment-friendly, comfortable buses add punch to Daimler’s fist.

Daimler’s long term vision is to emerge as an undisputed, 40-year-old technology pioneer that wants to stay profitable but only after satisfactorily responding to queries of its key stakeholders—partners, suppliers, employees, customers, and society. This zeal is also reflected in its six focal areas– employees, products, production, business partners, commitment and integrity.

“As the Indian bus market is evolving, we lead the shift with products that meet global standards of performance and safety. With superior technology, we aim to be the benchmark in terms of total cost of ownership, safety, and comfort, says Thomas Fricke, CEO Daimler Buses India (a unit of Daimler India Commercial Vehicle, DICV).

Daimler is expecting to get big export orders from India to various South Asian countries for fully built, high-end buses under the Mercedes Benz brand. These buses — designed, engineered in India are expected to have over 75% bus body and overall 50% localized parts.

Indian Market Overview: The intrinsic benefits of Indian market include:

  • 28 billion people – one-sixth of the world’s population
  • Quality and cost advantage to establish itself as an export base
  • Highest GDP in the world, between 7% to 10% p.a. over the next 5 years
  • Large working population and families with multiple earning members
  • Young population – 65% below 30 years of age
  • Increasing spends on lifestyle, décor and home improvement products
  • The average age of Indians will be 29 years compared to 37 in China by 2020


Daimler’s vision is to provide the best— technologically superior, innovative, efficient and safe– vehicles to its customers the world over. Daimler’s long-term strategy is to consolidate its position as a successful commercial vehicle manufacturer and a technologically strong contender in the whole world.

Daimler India’s innovative, economically-efficient, environment-friendly Commercial Vehicles are appropriately designed and fitted with the latest gadgets for accident-free driving as well as to – prevent, protect and mitigate the impact of accidents. Automotive safety and ability to tackle critical situations — are an eternal, enduring and everlasting phases of Daimler India’s safety policy. All Daimler commercial-vehicles have technological innovation for much superior, safe, and reliable transport – way better than all other competitors.

Daimler India’s Commercial Vehicles are like virtual passports – promising quality, reliability, and safety – each time the vehicles — go and perform on road.

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Ankit Mahajan
Ankit Mahajan
Ankit Mahajan the dynamic Chief of Bureau of Taazakhabar News is like a fire and forget missile that is sure to hit the target. A meticulous planner with an eye for detail, he never gives up and makes his presence felt in everything he does.


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