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Coping with Phobias around us

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Humans have a propensity of dismissing feelings that alarm them. Yet in all actuality, one can never get far running from dread – regardless of whether it’s an ethical fear or an economic one, it will certainly haunt you one day in your life. Fortunately, once you face your fear—and give the bogeyman air, so to say—instead of pushing it into a removed compartment in your cerebrum, the fear starts losing its capacity to manage and direct your choices.

Unfortunately, unlike the usual fears or apprehensive feelings common in daily life, phobias are a mind-boggling and incapacitating fear of an object, place, circumstance, feeling or animal and are more articulated than fears, making them all the more difficult to be overcome. They manifest when an individual has a misrepresented or ridiculous feeling of risk regarding a certain circumstance or an object and can cause a great deal of trouble for the individual. On the off chance that the fear turns out to be exceptionally extreme, an individual may even have to rearrange their entire life around evading the source of that fear.

There is a wide assortment of objects or circumstances that somebody could build up fear about, which is why phobias can be mainly classified into 2 categories:

  • Specific or simple phobias: Specific or simple phobias centre around a particular object, animal, situation or activity.
  • Complex phobias: they develop during adulthood and are often associated with a deep-rooted fear or anxiety about a particular situation or circumstance.

With a genuine fear, the danger of injury or death is over-exaggerated or it may even be non-existent, yet the dread actually perseveres. Though it is possible to overcome phobias, the process is not simple and quite time-taking. So, what can be done to overcome phobias?

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First of all, don’t disconnect yourself – confide in somebody regarding your phobia, get help from loved ones and comprehend the trigger(s) causing fear and rationalize why it is doing so. Try not to deny the feelings you identify with the phobia; rather, address them by noting them down and thereafter instructing yourself accordingly. A helpful method would be listing down all the triggers from least frightful to generally dreadful to see how your mental framework functions. The next step would be to combat your phobia by steadily presenting yourself to any circumstance that can generate certainty and a feeling of control within yourself. Having a fear implies losing control, thus, when you sense that control to be sneaking away, stop, slowly inhale and monitor yourself: basic profound breathing strategies, doing a mental bodily examination and connecting all your senses might help you towards a more settled perspective. An exceedingly awful part about phobias is the physical responses — shallow breathing, slow heart-rate, etc. — that can really aggravate the tension. Here, unwinding methods may prove to be useful in alleviating the frenzy. By breathing profoundly from the abdomen, you can turn around these physical sensations to their normal rate.

Support groups are great with assisting and acknowledging phobias, so one can be assured of being in good company. This method might seem averse to some initially, but being around people having the same needs as you and understanding the distress caused increases the possibility of recovery. Support groups can be accessed both online and in-person so choose the one you would most feel comfortable attending.

In case you want to conquer your fears yourself, therapy can always remain an option:

  1. Self-presentation therapy, a type of psychological conduct therapy (part of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT), utilizes self-improvement guides, self-improvement gatherings, or online self-improvement programs to make one feel better when faced with their phobia(s). Fundamentally, you assume control over it and take on that fear by yourself.
  2. For some, repeated exposure to the event(s) that seeded a fear can enable the related uneasiness to die down. For instance, a possible cure to a paranoid fear of flying can be ‘frequent introduction treatment’, which includes a gradual and consistent exposure to the item that is feared, i.e., flying here, in a controlled climate; the level of tension would reduce with a rehashed introduction in a sheltered spot like a specialist’s office, to the event(s) that gave rise to the fear, which could be a runway or a cliff to sky-dive from.

Lastly, but in no way the least, safe and powerful combating techniques involving medicines are also accessible which may incorporate therapy, drugs, or a mix of both. The medicines rely on an assortment of variables according to the indications and seriousness of the fear, so it is best to address an expert regarding these matters.

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It is easier said than done, we know. But once you overcome your fear by beating the fear itself, nothing would compare to that feeling of achievement!

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Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh
Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh
Currently head of Department of Holistic Medicine & Wellness at Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon Dr. Rachna Khanna Singh is a mental wellness expert with expertise in relationship, lifestyle & stress management. The founder and director of The Mind and Wellness Studio Dr. Rachna Khanna has worked with leading hospitals like Fortis Escorts, Dharamshila Cancer Hospital. Her specialties include stress management, lifestyle management for heart diseases, supportive care for chronically ill patients, work-life balance, parent-child bonding, cancer support care, ante/postnatal care, relationship counselling, pre-marital & marital counselling, adolescent counselling, psychiatric & psychological illnesses like depression, anxiety, insomnia.


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