The aged need your love and care during COVID
Aged people often miss out on events and gatherings with their groups. You can make a personal support group for them to reach out to their friends and make new ones.
Keeping body and mind fit in the COVID-19 era
The COVID era has given us immense time to process and look inwards, and exercise has been one of the focal points of the lockdown.
7 # tips to keep relationships alive in Covid times
Divorce is witnessing an all-time high. It is time to look inwards, bridge differences and heal strained relationship
Stop binge eating during lockdown
These times we are living in, are historic and unusual. Our normal routines have been altered and we all are adjusting to a new...
How COVID has impacted the lives of Women?
Women have faced severe consequences of COVID. They are looked down upon with disgust and negative remarks and have had to suffer a lot.
Covid –19 pandemic: lessons learnt – too little, too late
The shortage of hospitals, beds, ventilators, oxygen, medical facilities could have been avoided, had we prepared ourselves better for dealing with the second wave. It is sad to see the scenes of wailing mothers, wives, children and fathers who have lost their near and dear ones to this pandemic.
Importance of Mental Health professionals in Pandemic times
There are several differences in the mental health needs of different age groups. The teenagers and young-adult populations of the country engage in these services the most, as compared to older adults and senior citizens.
Creativity during the Pandemic
Creativity helps us feel better. It can be anything- painting, cooking, singing, dancing, knitting, playing- almost anything that anyone can do. It’s a matter of expressing ourselves and benefit from it with a positive state of mind.
Armed Forces: When hit by worst, use the best!!
A pandemic like COVID strikes mankind, probably once in a Century, as per the historical evidence. The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has...
Army dogs to sniff out COVID-19 in potentially infected troops
In what is the first of its kind initiative, the Indian army is training a dozen-odd Chippiparai, Labrador and Cocker Spaniel dogs to sniff...
Vaccine to vaccination – the step-by-step process
Bharat Biotech, located in Genome Valley in Hyderabad, has an excellent track record of more than 145 global patents, a wide product portfolio of more than 16 vaccines, 4 bio-therapeutics, registrations in more than 123 countries.
Covid-19 Vaccines: Challenges Ahead
Vaccines are a low-cost public health tool for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. According to World Health Organization (WHO) global estimates, vaccines save 5 lives every single minute and 7,200 daily.
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