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HomeLIFESTYLEEthics & moral values in a materialistic world

Ethics & moral values in a materialistic world

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Ethics & moral values

“India is not just a rising power, it has already risen. Its economy has risen at a breathtaking rate… we look forward to a greater role for India at the world stage,”.

This statement by the most powerful leader in the world ‘Barack Obama’ created so much buzz across the world as well as in India.

However on an introspective note, if one thinks, then the question that comes to mind is that ‘Have we really risen?’ If Yes then to what extent? Are we only happy to see scientific, technological, space, manufacturing & infrastructural development? Is that the parameter of our progress? How do we measure that we have advanced in this age of global competition?

There is no doubt that science has been a wonderful achievement for us. But, how many of us would be aware of the fact that beneath this development juggernaut our true wealth is lying buried. Don’t we realize that our spirituality, our values are all lying buried under materialism? Remember, our world is not confined to just the physical aspect of life, there is psychology, the spirit, the inner self with which we identify. What we need to know today is that Who am I? What is it that represents us?

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Unfortunately, science does not give us direct answers to all these crucial questions. Science & Technology have made us materially prosperous but spiritually impoverished. Our minds are fatigued, our souls are aching and hence we need to reclaim our lost energies by charging ourselves spiritually.    

Ethics & moral values 2

There is no dearth of knowledge or ideas in the world, but one needs to understand that we have to experience knowledge rather than just know it. The age of science does not refer to technology only; it also refers to the attitude, the lifestyle and the total philosophy of life. With years of development, we have learnt to swim across the ocean like fish, to fly across the continents like birds, but now we have to learn to walk on earth like human beings.

Today the same scientists who were deep neck busy in their laboratories throughout the day are moving from physics to metaphysics because they want to know reality. We should remind ourselves that we are not prototypes manufactured on an assembly line; we are all individual personalities having our own identities based on our values, personality traits & mannerisms. Each one of us carries a certain set of values given by our parents & teachers. However we should remember that values cannot be known or taught, you have to imbibe them.

Also Read: Why has There Been Degeneration in Values?

We can have a long list of values but basically, a value is that for which we dedicate our lives. One needs to experience values in a practical way & enlighten self to make a difference to the whole world. Just imagine, if one realized, a refined individual can uplift and enlighten the whole atmosphere, then what would be the scene when every individual would be refined with values? Doesn’t it sound amazing?

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So, treat yourself as that anvil from which the spark should come which inspires each person who comes in contact with you & pass on the values of respect for life, compassion, wisdom, honesty to all because the more we share our values, the more it multiplies. 

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Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj
Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj
A spiritual leader of Brahma Kumaris faith, Brahma Kumar Nikunj is a living example of simplicity, wisdom and devotion. Born in business family from Mumbai, Nikunj Ji was an Atheist. However, a chanced encounter with Rajyogini B.K.Didi Nalini Ji changed his life. Inspired by her thoughts & teachings, he decided to pursue spirituality. By virtue of sacrifice, penance, and godly services over the past 22 years he has been able to develop his inner self and enhance his spiritual knowledge. His Philosophy in Life is - “Spirituality cannot be taught, it has to be experienced”.


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