Can the Constitution be blamed for fermenting terrorism in India?
As a member of the Indian Police Service, the author dealt with complex legal enforcement issues as well as major internal security and terrorism challenges in all theatres. Therefore, he boldly asserts, with full responsibility and supported by indisputable empirical and textual evidence, that the Indian Constitution has, among other things, created or aggravated three persistent terrorism problems.
The three pestering problems are (1) Communist Terrorism in the so-called red corridor that is mendaciously dubbed as Naxal violence, Left Wing Extremism, and Maoist Insurgency; (2) Islamic Terrorism in Kashmir which is deceptively called Kashmir separatism; and (3) Christian Terrorism in north-eastern India that is misleadingly termed as Insurgency.
Communist Terrorism:
Article 244 (1) and the 5th Schedule of the Constitution and analogous Land Transfer Prohibition Regulations forbid non-tribals from acquiring immovable property and settling in scheduled areas. Consequently, the tribals living in scheduled areas are isolated and confined to the jungles, cutting off their social, economic, and religious interactions with mainstream society. The abject backwardness of tribals living in scheduled areas starkly contrasts with the better socio-economic and political development of tribals living outside the scheduled areas and within mainstream society.
Deprivation, disaster, poverty, etc are the God-sent opportunities for the Abrahamists (Muslims, Christians, Leftists) to spread their theology and ideology.
The scheduled areas from Pasupathi in Nepal to Tirupati in southern India were turned into a red corridor by the communist terrorists. Expectedly, while most communist terrorist leaders are non-tribals, their cannon fodder is mostly tribals. The communist terrorists and evangelists work together in the scheduled areas, with the former providing cover fire for the latter. As a quid pro quo, the evangelists covertly arrange necessary resources and over-ground support at home and abroad for communist terrorists. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the communist terrorists in the red corridor work as armed militias of the Church, because, the victims of communist terrorism have always been Hindus, security personnel, and government servants, but not the evangelists or Christians. There is a terrifying pattern in the targeted killings of Hindu spiritual leaders for furthering the sinister purposes of communist terrorism and Christian missionaries in the scheduled areas. The brutal assassination in 2008 of Swami Lakhnanda Saraswati, a highly revered and popular Hindu spiritual leader in scheduled areas of Southern Odisha, and the gruesome lynching in 2020 of two Hindu sadhus and their driver in Palghar district, which is a scheduled area in Maharashtra, are but two most recent prominent horrific terrorist strikes.
The consequences of Article 244 (1) and 5th Schedule of the Constitution are so starkly evident: In a short span of 73 years, more than 50% of the tribals in the scheduled areas have been converted to Christianity. The recent decline in the geographical spread and intensity of communist terrorism in the red corridor is directly proportional to the growing Christian population there. Once people of an area become Christian (or Muslim) the catchment for the communists proportionately dries up there.
Islamic Terrorism:
The original Article 370 of the Constitution and its derivative laws prohibited Indians from other parts of India from acquiring immovable property and settling in the then undivided state of Jammu & Kashmir. Why should Jammu & Kashmir alone have such special provisions?
Having become the majority in Kashmir, the Muslims had resorted to all sorts of bullying tactics on the Maharajas of J&K to ban Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists from Punjab and other areas from settling in Kashmir. This is because, as per Islamic Sharia the Muslim majority areas are out of bounds for non-Muslims. And by the early 20th century CE, they created so much trouble and coerced Maharaja to promulgate orders forbidding outsiders (read non-Muslims) from acquiring land and settling in J&K. It is worth noting that no such law existed in other erstwhile Princely States, simply because Muslims were not in majority there.
After independence, the Muslims of Kashmir led by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah demanded the continuation of those restrictions. Through the time-tested tactics of gangsterism and with the encouragement of the Nehruvian clique, they bullied the Constituent Assembly and Indian State to incorporate those restrictions into the Constitution as Article 370. Thus, Article 370 of the Constitution was basically a disguise of the Islamic Sharia principle that the gullible members of the Constituent Assembly could never comprehend.
To buttress the point, look at the situation in the Muslim countries in middle-east. Even though millions of non-Muslims have been working there for decades, they cannot get citizenship in those countries because the Islamic Sharia forbids it.
At the time of independence, Hindus were about one-third of Kashmir’s population. The safety net provided by Article 370 has given a huge boost to Islamic terrorism targeting the minority Hindus of Kashmir. And the collaborative and effeminate Indian State contributed in no small measure to purging Kashmir of Hindus in an unusually short span of four decades, that is, by the 1990s. As Kashmir is now 100% Muslim, it matters little whether Article 370 exists, is amended, or is deleted, for, it is impossible for non-Muslims to settle there. While the BJP central government’s 2019 amendment of Article 370 is bold and laudable, it is a typical case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Having completely rid Kashmir of Hindus and acquired an impenetrable base there, now the target of Islamic terrorism is the Jammu area, whose religious demography is on a precarious cusp.
Some may argue that Islamic terrorism is a global phenomenon and therefore it is erroneous to attribute it in Kashmir to Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, and further, even outside Kashmir, there have been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks in India, where Article 370 does not apply. While both of these observations are true, my limited point was that the original Article 370 was a camouflaged Islamic Sharia principle inserted into the Constitution with a view to facilitating the Islamisation of Kashmir. And the results clearly confirmed this.
Christian Terrorism:
Article 244 (2) and 6th Schedule, articles 244A, 371A, 371B, 371C, 371G, etc., of the Constitution and the laws enacted or continued thereunder, including the extant Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873, prohibit Indians from other parts of India acquiring land and settling in the hill and frontier areas of north-eastern India. Furthermore, the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873 also forbids Indians from visiting the hill and remote areas without obtaining an Inner Line Permit. To clarify, the ‘Inner Line’ is a geographical demarcation made under the above said Regulation beyond which the entry of even Indian citizens is prohibited. With the exception of the plains of Assam and Tripura, Imphal valley and certain urban pockets, most areas of north-eastern India are demarcated as outside the Inner Line, requiring an Inner Line Permit to visit.
Through the Inner Line Permit system, the British isolated the people in hills and remote areas of north-eastern India from the mainstream society and then let loose Christian missionaries in hordes to convert those desolated tribals. Having acquired some demographic influence, the Church since the 1930s started instigating and patronising separatist tendencies, demanding independent ‘homelands’ for various tribes. At the time of independence, they escalated it to terrorism, (deceptively labelled as insurgency) to extract maximum concessions and cover up their conversion activities. The ignoramus members of the Constituent Assembly and the meek Nehruvian establishment incorporated the Christian missionary agenda into the Indian Constitution as aforementioned provisions and also retained the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873. As a result, even after independence, the people living in the hills and remote areas of north-eastern India are completely isolated cut off from mainstream society and thrown to the Christian missionary vultures.
Some might argue that it is not correct to portray terrorism in north-eastern India as Christian terrorism merely because the terrorists are Christians. At first glance, this argument may seem logical, but in reality, it is not a mere coincidence that the terrorists are Christians. Their main motive and goal was to spread Christianity in north-eastern India using terrorism as an important means. Of course, hostile foreign powers are fishing in the troubled waters to undermine India, but they are not the originators of terrorism in north-eastern India. It is also worth noting that the terrorist targets and victims in north-eastern India have always been non-Christians, security personnel and government servants, barring occasional collateral damage to Christians. Thus, these are actually the armed militia of the Church in northeastern India. They keep the missionary pot boiling and bully the non-Christians to convert by demonstrating the impotence of the effete Indian State to protect non-Christians. As a result, within 50 years of independence, the Christian missionaries converted almost the entire population of Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, and the Hill tracts of Manipur. Having Christianised these states, the Christian terrorism in those areas has ebbed. Of course, the Christian missionaries maintain it in sleeping mode and reactivate it quickly for their sinister purposes as and when needed. However, it remains in active mode in places that are either non-Christian or where there are still small populations of non-Christians.
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The recent and ongoing targeted terrorist attacks on Hindu Meteis, destruction of Temples, and driving away Hindu Meteis from certain districts of Manipur by Kuki Christian terrorists, which are reminiscent of targeted attacks on Kashmiri Hindus by Islamic terrorists, are the latest evidence of the sinister design of Christian terrorism to Christianise north-eastern India that is facilitated by the aforementioned provisions of the Constitution and law. And the results have spoken clearly.
For Abrahamists (Muslims, Christians, Leftists) politics is a means of furthering their respective theological and ideological interests. Even though the number of Abrahamists in the Constituent Assembly was far fewer than Hindus, they were intransigently focused to promote their sectarian interests. On the contrary, the Hindu members of the Constituent Assembly allowed the Abrahamists to have their way in making crucial parts of the Constitution that have far-reaching deleterious consequences.
Therefore, instead of worshipping the Constitution as some divinely ordained book, it is imperative to read and understand the implications of various provisions of the Constitution and empirically correlate their devastating impact on our culture, education, society, and lives. Should we remain mute spectators? Should we not strive collectively for getting the Constitution amended to make it civilisation-friendly, and religion-neutral, which is what secularism is all about?
Very good and informative sir. I wish the government of India heeds you and act accordingly.