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Are DNA tests infallible?

Many people in India- police officers, forensic personnel and legal fraternity believe that ‘DNA tests’ are infallible. This is far from truth

Drowning death: the forensic hoax

Indian forensic community is so conditioned to think along structured lines that the mere presence of a body in water compels them to infer death by drowning. It could very well have been a murder.

Are footprints, tyres or tool marks reliable evidence?

A widely held but mistaken belief is that impression evidence can link the suspects to the crime. Such evidence encountered includes footwear impressions, tyre marks, and markings created by tools and similar instruments.

Are hair, fibre, and paint samples– acceptable evidence?

The simple fact is that microscopic hair analysis by a simultaneous visual comparison of different characteristics of hair samples from two different sources through a comparison microscope cannot prove the hair came from a certain individual to the exclusion of any other person.

Indian police- bow before the rich & bully the poor

The Indian police is unsympathetic, rough and humiliating; at their worst, they kill people in custodial torture or fake encounters.

Param Bir Singh Saga: Who Will Police The Police?

Never before in this country two non-bailable warrants have been issued against an IPS officer with 33 years of service besides a Look Out Circular (LOC) to prevent him from fleeing the country.

Yeh Mera India: Police and the Common Man # 6

The refusal to register your FIR is such a common malady in India. It is so difficult that most people think that they have won half the battle if the FIR is registered

Yeh Mera India: Police and the Common Man # 8

The standard modus operandi of the police is to claim that the cash and weapons etc were recovered from the accused when they were arrested. Most of the time, such items happen to be ‘planted’ by the police. Invariably there are no independent witnesses or stock witnesses cooked-up by the police

Yeh Mera India: Police and the Common Man # 9

When it comes to finding ingenious ways to harass people, the ingenuity of the cops knows no bounds. One of the most popular ways of harassing people is to oppose bail. Another common tool is to summon people unnecessarily to the police station to harass them

Yeh Mera India: Police and the Common Man # 10

It should not require the Supreme Court to tell the police that it is their primary responsibility to prevent the commission of crimes; to ensure that law and order and public order are maintained; and that mobs do not become lawless. The Rule of Law has to be upheld at any cost.

Why smuggling of Green peas is a serious ‘matar’ in India?

Smuggling and illegal cross border movement of green peas is a ‘serious matar’ and an organised crime that cannot be taken lightly. Over the past few years, several cases have come to light where huge quantities of green or dried peas have been wrongfully declared as something else or undervalued to avoid paying customs duties.

The booming business of fake medicines in India

Almost one-third of popular medicines – antibiotics, anti-allergic, vitamins, painkillers, syrups and life-saving drugs sold in India are fake, counterfeit, or substandard. Nearly 35% of fake drugs sold all over the world originate from India
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