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Prof. Priyadarsi Mukherji

Professor in Chinese Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Centre for Chinese & South-East Asian Studies, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi

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History of India-China friendship

For India there cannot be no China, likewise there can’t be no India for China. In today’s new age of coexistence and interdependence – the least that is expected of the two Asian giants is to know each other and work together. Any unethical, cut-throat competition between the neighbors could prove detrimental to the interest of the region as a whole.

The mystery behind Chinese names

Love China or hate China, there is no way Indian's can afford to ignore China’s presence around them in business, war, and peace. Since there will never be NO China, the only alternative is to KNOW China. It's time people in India as well as China realized the importance of knowing the history and socioeconomic subtleties, as well as each other’s mindset, behavior, business etiquettes and cultural nuances