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Prashant Thakur

Prashant Thakur, Director & Head – Research, ANAROCK Property Consultants

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Investment in property 2023 – smooth sailing or choppy waters

As per ANAROCK Research, avg. property price in the top 7 cities is Rs 6,150 per sq. ft - a 11% hike from Rs 5,551 per sq. ft. in 2018 to Rs 6,150 per sq. ft
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Fractional Ownership – Putting Luxury Vacation Homes Within Reach

The latest twist to timeshares - a popular concept from the 1960s - fractional ownership gives a cost-effective option with a lot more bang for the buck.
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FM’s limited-period ‘safe harbour’ tax ordinance & real estate

Section 43CA of the IT Act states that developers or any other property sellers can be penalized for selling a property at prices lower than the Ready Reckoner rates, or circle rates or guidance value.