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Why does everyone shut-up once the big artillery guns start talking?

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Why does everyone shut-up once the big artillery guns start talking?

Artillery is a highly potent and effective battle winning factor. Artillery offers several advantages in warfare.

  • Artillery provides firepower to demolish and destroy far away enemy camps, vehicles, and personnel using high-explosive shells, artillery rockets, or precision-guided munitions.  
  • Artillery can perform different roles from providing direct fire support for ground troops, and restricting the enemy’s free movement to counter-battery fire against enemy artillery,
  • Artillery can engage targets well beyond the reach of most ground-based weapons thus project power over a wide area and strike deep into enemy territory
  • Precision-guided munitions, radars and advanced targeting systems allow the artillery to accurately strikes on specific targets without any collateral damage or risk of civilian casualties.
  • Modern artillery systems are highly mobile. This allows them to quickly change their position and provide fire support in the fluid or fast-moving battlefield situations.
  • Artillery can enhance the combat effectiveness of infantry and armor enhance their ability to engage targets by providing fire support, and at the same time suppress enemy fire
  • Artillery systems can be relatively cost-effective both in terms of acquisition and operational costs as compared to other military assets like aircraft or tanks
  • The psychological impact and noise of artillery fire has a demoralizing effect on enemy troops, lowering their morale and combat effectiveness.

Artillery’s firepower, range, precision, mobility, versatility, and psychological impact makes it a must have military asset. No wonder they say when the big Guns start talking, everyone else shuts up and listens…

The earliest known use of artillery dates back to ancient China when the discovery of gunpowder had a lasting impact on military tactics and warfare strategies. The Chinese were among the first to develop gunpowder-based weapons called “fire lances,” as early as the 9th century. These and primitive cannons were essentially bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder and small projectiles. Over time, the knowledge of gunpowder technology spread from China to other parts of the world, including the Middle East and Europe.

The first recorded use of cannon-like weapons in battle occurred during the Mongol invasions of Japan in the 13th century. The Mongols fired explosive shells from cannons mounted on ships to conquer Japan.

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The use of cannon in warfare became widespread in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. The Battle of Crécy (1346) during the Hundred Years’ War is one of the earliest instances of cannon being used in a major European battle. The English used primitive cannons to defend their positions against the French, marking the beginning of artillery’s role in European warfare.

Overall, the use of artillery in warfare has a long history, dating back over a thousand years to the development of gunpowder-based weapons in China.

In recent history, there have been several battles where artillery played a significant role in achieving strategic objectives or turning the tide of conflicts. Here are a few examples:

Gulf War (1990-1991) – During Operation Desert Storm, the coalition forces led by the United States extensively used artillery to support ground offensives against Iraqi forces, contributing to the liberation of Kuwait. Artillery played a crucial role in the conflict by providing fire support for ground troops, counter-battery fire against Iraqi artillery positions, and contributing to the overall success of the coalition’s ground campaign.

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Battle of Grozny (1994-1995) – Russian artillery played a crucial role in the battle for the Chechen capital, with heavy bombardment causing widespread destruction and helping Russian forces eventually capture the city. The battle, from December 1994 to February 1995, was a significant urban warfare conflict between Russian federal forces and Chechen separatist fighters in the Chechen capital of Grozny. Russian heavy artillery pieces and rocket launchers, were extensively used during the battle to bombard Chechen positions causing extensive destruction and casualties among both combatants and civilians.

Second Battle of Fallujah (2004) – Artillery played a significant role during the Second Battle of Fallujah, also known as Operation Phantom Fury. Before the ground assault various artillery systems, including howitzers and rocket artillery conducted extensive preparatory fires, including counter-battery fire to neutralize enemy artillery positions and soften up enemy defenses. Throughout the battle, artillery units provided direct and indirect fire support to Marine units engaged in urban combat. This included providing suppressive fire, and help in clearing buildings and strongpoints. Artillery units also helped to destroy improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and other obstacles that hindered the movement of coalition forces and provided smoke screen to obscure enemy vision and provide cover for advancing troops.

Overall, the artillery played a critical role in the Second Battle of Fallujah– the bloodiest battle in the Iraq War by supporting coalition forces, primarily the United States Marine Corps, in their efforts to retake the city from the insurgents. The battle was one of the most intense and costly engagements of the Iraq War, and artillery was instrumental in its outcome.

Battle of Marawi (2017) – Philippine government forces, primarily the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), extensively used artillery and airstrikes to retake the city from militants affiliated to the Islamic State (ISIS). The battle, from May to October 2017, was one of the longest urban battles in the modern history of the Philippines. Both artillery and airstrikes were used with precision to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage. This had a psychological impact on the militants and helped demolish their morale and will to fight.

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Battle of Mosul (2016-2017) – Artillery played a crucial role in the Battle of Mosul, supporting Iraqi forces in their efforts to retake the city from ISIS militants. Artillery units also conducted counter-battery fire to neutralize ISIS artillery and mortar positions. This had a psychological impact on the ISIS. The battle was one of the largest urban battles since World War II and highlighted the challenges and complexities of urban warfare.

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Battle of Raqqa (2017) – The Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by coalition artillery and airstrikes, liberated Raqqa, the self-proclaimed capital of ISIS, effectively ending the group’s territorial control in Syria. Before the ground offensive, artillery units extensively pounded ISIS defensive positions, fortifications, and key infrastructure. This helped to weaken ISIS defenses and create opportunities for the advancing SDF forces. The battle was a significant milestone in the campaign against ISIS in Syria and marked the end of ISIS’s control over Raqqa.

Operation Meghdoot in Siachin – Artillery has been positioned in the Siachen region since the early 80s when India launched Operation Meghdoot to preempt a possible Pakistani operation to occupy the glacier. Since then, both Indian and Pakistani forces have used artillery for providing fire support, counter-battery fire, and logistical support to troops deployed in the harsh and high-altitude environment. In Siachin, which is one of the highest battlefield in the world artillery units have set up observation posts and surveillance equipment to monitor enemy movements and provide early warning to friendly forces. Artillery units also provide avalanche control and help to reduce the risk of avalanches on military installations and supply routes.

Kargil War, 1999 – During theKargil War of 1999, both India and Pakistan extensively used artillery in the mountainous region of Kargil and Dras. Artillery played a critical role in supporting infantry operations and dislodging entrenched Pakistani forces from the high-altitude positions in the Kargil sector of Jammu and Kashmir. Artillery barrages were used to soften enemy defenses before infantry assaults and to suppress enemy fire during the attacks. Artillery fire also targeted Pakistani supply lines and communication routes, hampering their ability to resupply and reinforce their positions.

These battles highlight the continued importance of artillery in modern warfare, demonstrating its ability to provide crucial fire support, suppress enemy positions, and contribute to the success of ground operations. Artillery has the ability to provide long-range firepower, support infantry and other ground forces, and disrupt enemy positions. This has made it a key component of military strategy. 

The Russo-Ukraine War has once again highlighted the continued importance of artillery in modern warfare.

Both Russia and Ukraine have been firing over 20,000 rounds of artillery shells at each other. Russia has been firing around 20,000 shells daily, while Ukraine was firing between 4,000 and 7,000.

According to defence analysts Russia is able to fire more artillery shells than Ukraine because of its larger military industry and higher production rate, while Ukraine has 14 kinds of howitzers – big enough to make the Russian forces keep their heads down…

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Neeraj Mahajan
Neeraj Mahajanhttps://n2erajmahajan.wordpress.com/
Neeraj Mahajan is a hard-core, creative and dynamic media professional with over 35 years of proven competence and 360 degree experience in print, electronic, web and mobile journalism. He is an eminent investigative journalist, out of the box thinker, and a hard-core reporter who is always hungry for facts. Neeraj has worked in all kinds of daily/weekly/broadsheet/tabloid newspapers, magazines and television channels like Star TV, BBC, Patriot, Sunday Observer, Sunday Mail, Network Magazine, Verdict, and Gfiles Magazine.


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