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HomeLIFESTYLEFood & Kitchen SecretsWhat should you be eating- vegetarian beans or (human) beings?

What should you be eating- vegetarian beans or (human) beings?

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If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian…- Paul McCartney

It has been rightly said that we are what we eat, because the kind of food that we eat has a direct impact on how we think and therefore its crucial to what we become finally.

Recent studies made by modern medical science have suggested that the human body is not naturally designed to digest and assimilate non-vegetarian food. That is why today most of the medical practitioners recommend a healthy vegetarian diet to their patients who are suffering from lifestyle disorders. Along with scientific studies, individual researches made all over the world have also clearly pointed out that when an animal is killed for meat, it experiences fear, anxiety and pain. Its hormonal secretions are then passed on to its consumers. Such diet is therefore unhealthy both for the body and the mind. In many religions also, non-vegetarian diet is strictly forbidden not just because it causes pain and suffering to other living creatures but also because it is the source of vicious thoughts and attitudes to its consumers. In other words, non-vegetarian food is a gateway to non-vegetarian lifestyle, a way of living where vices dwell comfortably.go-vegan

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One must understand that human cruelty towards animals is nothing but a way of inviting cruelty on to self. Also the current trend of mass consumption of flesh by human beings highlights the way we look at other living being and our desire to subjugate them. It also represents our desire to tame nature to our will and to exploit it for our gains, thereby suggesting a belief system that justifies violence in the name of need and necessity.

In a broader perspective, the mass consumption of non-vegetarian food is a way of heaping sin upon the human community. No peace marches, diplomatic dialogues and conferences can bring peace to the planet when we are burdening it with desperate cries of hapless creatures. For what we sow, so shall we reap.

It is so ironic that the largely meat eating developed countries of the world have stringent laws when it comes to treating a pet and it is ensured that if the pet is hurt, the owner can even be imprisoned. However in these very countries, millions of animals are killed every day for food and yet no one goes to jail. Isn’t it surprising that so many animal lovers continue to be non-vegetarians because they are unable to connect with the cruelty that goes behind, in the making of such food?

Even more surprising was a weird recommendation to find humane methods of animal slaughter made by some so called animal sympathizers. But the contention here is what can be more inhuman than nourishing an animal to kill it one day. It is a breach of morality by all standards. What is crueler than subjecting generations of animals to a life of stifling captivity that only leads them to a merciless end? And what is crueler than killing animals in front of each other. While one is bleeding to death, the other watches in horror and waits for its turn. It is a great pity that even sympathetic humans are left with such little kindness that all they can think of is designing a better way to kill.

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Its high time that all of us should ask ourselves a question that why does our conscience need a rational argument, sanctioned by a research institute in the west to realize that killing other living creatures is a form of cruelty?


Why do we need facts and figures to understand that cruelty can never be a bringer of any form of health – be it mind, body or the environment & bring peace and harmony in the world? Can’t we realize that a heart that heaves no sigh at the sight of violence cannot be a source of compassion for other fellow men? So how do we expect people who do not nurture the feeling of kindness for other living beings to nurture feelings of brotherhood and forgiveness for their own community?

Aren’t we just walking on one path while seeking another’s destination? Just give it a thought and then decide whether to Kill or Heal.. Learn to live above self when life is precious to all. Let there be right to live for all & not just Human Right, then only world peace will descend.

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Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj
Rajyogi Brahma Kumar Nikunj
A spiritual leader of Brahma Kumaris faith, Brahma Kumar Nikunj is a living example of simplicity, wisdom and devotion. Born in business family from Mumbai, Nikunj Ji was an Atheist. However, a chanced encounter with Rajyogini B.K.Didi Nalini Ji changed his life. Inspired by her thoughts & teachings, he decided to pursue spirituality. By virtue of sacrifice, penance, and godly services over the past 22 years he has been able to develop his inner self and enhance his spiritual knowledge. His Philosophy in Life is - “Spirituality cannot be taught, it has to be experienced”.


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