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HomeLIFESTYLEFatherhood may hold the key to saving America's future

Fatherhood may hold the key to saving America’s future

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In his new book, “Father of the Fatherless,” author Dave Hamer claims that fatherhood has been in a downward spiral since abortion became legalized.

“Since 1973, our nation has killed over 55 million children,” says Hamer. “Unwanted children are conceived in selfishness and then terminated without any regard for the new life that was created. This rejection of God’s greatest gift is the total abandonment of fatherhood. Every time a child is aborted, it is a brazen affront to the Creator. Abortion is the ultimate rejection of the Fatherhood of God.”


Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, according to the Guttmacher Institute, and about four in ten of these end in abortion. Of the women that have abortions, 56% are unmarried and not cohabiting. Hamer believes that Christians as a whole have an obligation to both help end abortion as well as minister to those who have gone through it.

“Even if legalized abortion ended immediately,” says Hamer, “our nation’s guilt would still remain. America will reap what she has sown unless believers of all denominations unite on their knees to plead for a spiritual awakening. But my outcry against our national atrocity should not be misunderstood as any malice toward those women who have had abortions. Just as with any other sin, they can be forgiven. They no longer need to carry the spiritual and emotional aftermath that terminating a pregnancy buries in a soul and entombs in a heart.”

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Raised in the Catholic tradition, Dave Hamer entered the pastorate after being a self-described rebel and drug addict in his early years. Among his friends, he was known as “OD” or “overdose.” But in 1972, he became a Christian and was healed from his addictions. After graduating from bible school and pastoring a local church in New York state, he met his wife, Carolyn. The two began an evangelistic ministry, traveling to over 200 churches per year, ministering to all sizes of congregations of various denominations. In addition to writing and preaching, Hamer and his wife are also sought-after professional chefs and are currently building a country inn in western New York where they hope to combine their talents to host retreats for pastors and church leaders from around the globe. In addition to releasing “Father of the Fatherless,” Hamer has also released a new book entitled “His Cruel Cross My Mercy Tree.”

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