Covid-19 has drastically affected many sectors of society, including the education sector-causing a loss of interest in learning, and even a rise in anxiety and stress. While the educational staff has been overwhelmed, students are distressed. A large number of students who have been studying for the past year for competitive exams have learned that their exams have either been cancelled or postponed. While the cancelling of exams was decided by keeping the student’s health in mind; most students are mentally drained and have only one question in mind- now what? Preparing for an exam during the pandemic was hard work; many have made a large number of sacrifices during these trying times. Thus, not being able to perform after putting in all that hard work can be frustrating. Uncertainty surrounding exams has led to a variety of mental problems, primarily anxiety and the worst being depression. Nonetheless, there is always a way to cope with most obstacles. Similarly, with a few steps, you’ll learn how to deal with the challenging uncertainty around the exams.
1. Have a firm and clear mindset.
The main element in dealing with uncertainty during exams or unpredictability, in general, is having a clear and focused mind. Break down the unpredictability into various possibilities that could come along. Prepare your mind to accept all of those possibilities. Train yourself to work for the exams, regardless of when they will be held. The quote” hope for the best and prepare for the worst” stands true in this situation. Anxiety is natural and is bound to come along while studying. However, reassuring yourself of the good that will come from the effort you put in, will go a long way in keeping you motivated.
2. Make the most out of online classes.
Active participation is the key. Not only does it make you feel like you are a part of something bigger, but it also helps with your learning. There is no shame in putting your queries on the table. Ask questions to your lecturers, professors, and teachers who are there to guide you. Hesitating to ask them your queries will only lead to more confusion and anxiety. As hard as online classes are, one has to try and make the most out of them; paying attention in the lecture will help you retain what was covered. Prepare notes beforehand; it will save you from the last-minute hang for study material.
3. Plan your day.
In trying times like the pandemic, all we have is a today- a single day to accommodate work, study, and play. While preparing, keep in mind that excess of anything is never healthy. Therefore, plan your day and distribute a few hours to studying. According to science, the best time to learn is between 10 am to 2 pm; try to incorporate your lesson plan in that part of the day since this is the brain’s best acquisition period. Do not overburden your day with only studying; engage in spending some time with your family, read a little story, and make sure you have meals at the right time. Prepare a schedule and stick to it. Once it becomes a routine, going through it every day will not be difficult.
4. A telephone conversation with a friend.
Someone who is sailing in the same boat as you will probably get what you feel. Therefore, ring a friend- and not just any friend- one who is going through the exact uncertainty of exams as yourself. This conversation will help you realize two things- one, that you are not alone in this situation, which gives you a feeling of support. Two, you are not only helping yourself but also helping your friend as he/ she is in the same situation.
5. Engage in physical activities.
After all of that studying and pressure on your mind, being physically fit holds high importance- especially in a pandemic. Stretching will help your body relax; therefore, engaging in a few physical activities such as dancing, jogging, or even basic stretching will help you and your brain become active and fit to fight uncertainty. Exercise, as we know, helps release endorphins. It helps in the production of serotonin in the brain. Exercise is also a proven brain booster that decreases stress and helps you get better sleep. This makes you fit and ready to face any challenging situation.
As you deal with exam uncertainty, it is also important to put your mental health first. It is alright to take some time to digest what is going on around you, as it will give you a better perspective on how to work on your current goals. After all, in trying times like these, it is who you are as an individual and how you take care of your physical and mental health that will make you a survivor.